13. Special training

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(Y/N)'s POV

I woke up at 8 am with Fuku's constant meows for attention. Ughh, it's a day off and I can't even sleep in? I pat her for less than a minute and she just took off. Seriously, you wake me up for that?? I hate her (and I love her at the same time).

Anyways, I got up from my bed, ate my cereals and brushed my teeth. I was lazing around reading some stories on my computer when my phone rang. It was from the group chat I had with Tsuyu-chan and Ochako. 

Ochako: Good morning~~  ^^

Tsuyu-chan: Hi, Ochako-chan!

(Y/N) logged in

Hey guys! :) What's up?

Ochako: Well since today was a day off I was wondering if you'd like to hang out? (/≧ω\)

Sure, I was doing nothing anyways ( ̄∇ ̄)

Ochako: Great!!

Tsuyu-chan: Where are we meeting?

Ochako: We can meet at the park near the school in 2 hours, you know where it is right?

Yup yup

Tsuyu-chan: Got it. Well see you laters, kero!

See yaa~~

Tsuyu-chan logged out

Ochako: Fufufu (≖ᴗ≖✿)



Ochako logged out

Hey!! Ochako??? What the hell??

I sighed as no response was coming from my friend. Guess I'll find out later.

I went to the bathroom and took a shower. After blowing dry my (h/length) (h/color) hair I chose my favorite outfit and headed to the door "Dad! I'm going out with some friends! Don't know if I'm going to be late" "What? Is Hana back?" "Um, no.. I made some friends at school..." "Oh my god, really? I'm happy for you sweety! You should have told me" "Y-Yeah.." Although awkward, I managed to give him a smile. I know he's trying his best to be like before but I still can't bring myself to do it, so I quickly dashed out of house. 

After a few minutes, I reached the park and I could not believe my eyes: Todoroki was here. I rubbed my eyes furiously in case I was seeing things, but nope, still there and now coming close to me.

"Hi" he waved at me "Hi. Umm, may I ask what you are doing here?" "What do you mean? I was told by Uraraka-san that we were going to have some kind of training" Eh.... What?

I was confused now, and so was he. We then saw the person guilty of all this "Hi guys!!! I see you've met up already fufufu" "Em.. care to explain Ochako?" "Oh yeah yeah, don't worry. I will start explaining when the rest arrives" "Rest??"

After a little while, Deku, Iida and Tsuyu-chan arrived. They all seemed as confused as I was. "Okay. I'm sure all of you are wondering why I gathered all of you here." Damn right I am! "Now, now..."






Tsuyu-chan jumped to the ceiling above and safe from all the agitation and rolled out her tongue. Meanwhile, Iida used his engines to reach the stand before anyone could get near it.

"I've got the first one, kero"

"And I have successfully acquired the second doll, Uraraka-san"

"Great job Tsuyu-chan, Iida-kun!" I heard them say through our walkie-talkies.

Now we only needed 4 more. It was a race against lots of crazy fans hoping to get their hands on the merchancy.

Todoroki blocked the path to one of the stalls full of boxes with his ice. "Got one"

Ochako made herself weightless and asked Deku to throw her to another stall. "I-I got another!"

Great! I ran to one of the last stands and made the floor slippery for the ones that were behind me. "Got it!" I said through my walkie-talkie.

There was only one left. It was up to Izuku now. Though he was the most uncertain factor as he didn't seem to have full control of his quirk.




We all plopped down to the grass. "That... was... tiring..." I said.

"It indeed was, kero..."

"Yes.. but I still can't believe what Deku did!" Ochako chirped

"Yes, I have underestimated you yet again Midoriya-san. I didn't expect you to risk your life and put yourself in danger by going directly into the crowd. You even managed to pull through all the crushing and pushing, and succeded in getting the toy. You were the bravest of all of us. Will you later teach me the art of squeezing through?"

"I.. uh ah.. I-It was nothing a-at all. I became accustomed to it because I sorta go through it all the time when they sell All Mi... I-I MEAN A.. TH-THAT, YOU KNOW, ALL MY FAVORITE... MUSIC! YES THAT!"

"And what music do you like Deku-kun, kero?"


"HAHAHAH stop bullying him Tsuyu-chan!" I was clutching my stomach from all the laughing. We all were, really. Even Todoroki, and I was glad he was having fun. He didn't feel like the cold guy from the first day at all.

"Thanks guy for helping me out today, I owe you a big one"

"It was nothing at all, silly."

"Yes, that's right. I am happy you chose me for this mission. It shows that you see me as someone dependable and trust me as a friend. I thank you for that." Iida said as a matter-of-factly.

"And if anything, we owe it to you as you made us have a fun time together. After what happened yesterday, everyone seemed to be uneasy and fretful, myself included, kero. So we thank you Ochako-chan."

"Guys..." We were suddenly all engulfed in a big warm group hug (well we kinda forced Todoroki into it), with the sun setting on the background.


(A/N): Guys, this was by far my favorite chapter in the story. I had lots of fun writing this chapter and I really hope you enjoyed it as much as I did!! (ノ≧ڡ≦)

I know that the image is from Pandora Hearts but I couldn't find any of bnh, and I wasn't going to draw it because bleh.

And also, some of you may notice that the chat sort of resembles Mystic Messenger. Well, yup, I was imagining that as I was writing. Hehehehe.

Okay, that was all I wanted to say. Bye!

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