(Y/N)'s POV
Ochako ended up losing her match and fainted.
I quickly dashed out and headed to the nursery, but she was nowhere to be found. I met up with Deku while on my search and we finally found her on the waiting room.
"Damnit, I lost~!" We were bewildered when she just nonchantantly said that. "Ochako, what are you doing here? Weren't you knocked out just a moment ago?" I asked her worriedly. "Yeah but Recovery Girl quickly treated me since I had minor wounds, and because I was bored I just got here hehe. Gosh, he was truly powerful! I must become stronger!!!"
Though she was all chirpy, I knew it was all an act. But seriously, I think that what she did was truly amazing: she stood her ground against Bakugou, he respected her as his opponent, she went beyond her limits and still wanted to continue in the state that she was. She lost this battle, but I believe that she had won more than anyone here has already.
"Ochako, you will be a great hero in the future, definitely!" I said as I pounded on her and gave her a big hug, which she answered back with chuckle and a grip just as tight as mine. "Thank you, (Y/N).."
"We will now start the second rounds: Todoroki vs Midoriya!!" we heard Present Mic's yell reach throughout all the campus.
I can't believe I got so distracted that I forgot that their match was next! Even though I could wish luck to Deku, I still had wanted to give Shouto some words before their battle. Ochako must have taken note of my disappointed look since she shooed me out of the room and said "If you want to talk to your man" I blushed when she said that "just hurry it up already before it's too late jeez!" I was tempted to go, but I was still worried about her. "But will you be alright?" "Never been better!" She said cheerfully. I nodded and ran to the other side of the campus.
"Damn, why does it have to be so far away?!" I grumbled and when I made a sharp turn, I crashed onto something, landing on my butt. I looked up to see what was the cause of my now aching bottom, and I couldn't believe my eyes. "You should not run on hallways, kid" Endeavour glared at me and I gulped, fearing his threatening figure. "What the hell is UA teaching their students? First Midoriya, now you. I'm starting to worry about Shouto's development here."
I was irritated at this point, and being me, I absolutely could not let this pass by. "Excuse me but with all due respect sir, I believe- no, I KNOW that Shouto is much better off here than with you. He will become one of the best heroes in the world and it certainly won't be because of you." He remained silent the whole time and with my anger calming, I now wanted to reason with him. "So... instead of being the reason of him holding back his full potencial, can't you just support him like a normal person would and be for once the father you never were for him?"
With a simple 'hmph' he just left. I don't even know if he listened to anything of what I said but it didn't hurt to try.
I reminded myself that I had to see Shouto, but I waited for another minute so I didn't bump into Endeavour again... it would be awkward if we did.
Unfortunately, by the time I reached the stadium it was late; he was already fighting Deku. But, wait... Almost all Deku's bones are broken!! And Shouto, his movements were slow, and his right side was practically frozen leaving him trembling like hell. Although I wasn't really sure, it seemed like Deku was winning despite his state. Seriously, what the hell happened?!
In the middle of the fight, I heard Deku yell to Shouto.
He was taken aback by his words, but I knew where Izuku was getting at. Without thinking, I raised my arms and positioned my hands on my mouth in a round shape. I inhaled a deep breath before yelling with all my might.
Everyone turned their gazes towards me "Is this encourangement from his girlfriend? Eraserhead, it seems that you have a pair of sweethearts in your course!" Present Mic joked and the whole crowd went 'aww', which made my already red cheeks even redder, if that was even possible.
IDIOT, IDIOT, IDIOT! Why did I have to go and do that? I'm just- arghhh- sometimes.
I stopped my self-reproach when I shielded my body with my arms from the sudden heat. I tried to peek from between the gaps and I was mesmerized when I saw a voluminous fire that covered the entire arena. Although my body was pleading for me to get away, I couldn't help myself from admiring his flames. They were equally beautiful to his ice, and I was overwhelmed when he finally let them out.
Shouto's POV
I was exhausted both physically and mentally. My right side was shivering; I knew that I couldn't keep this much longer and Midoriya's persistance was angering me.
His words were triggering unwanted memories, just like (Y/N) did. Why do they try so hard? Why do they even care?
"SHOUTO!! DON'T YOU DARE LOSE IF YOU WANT TO BE A HERO!!!" Her voice rang and I quivered as this time a forgotten memory turned up.
'You don't have to be a prisoner of your blood. It's okay for you to be who you want.'
'Then... I want to be a hero so I can save you and take you out of this house to live happily ever after with you!' I said imagining it while I was grinning, and she answered with a smile.
I finally recalled why I wanted to be a hero.
I felt a fire inside me growing rapidly pleading me to get out, and I let it loose when it became unbearable to keep inside. It was liberating when flames engulfed my entire self.
"I also... want to be a hero...!"
My father stood up and started yelling happily. But between all the things he said, I was caught in the words: "It all starts here for you". I know he won't change, but I now understand that I shouldn't let him stray me away from my path and bring me down with him. So I'll change. I'll try to let the hate I have for him go and accept my quirk as my own.
A felt a tear slid down my cheek, and for once in my life, I felt free.
We both charged our quirks to define the winner.
"Thank you, Midoriya.
Thank you, (Y/N)."
I whispered before unleashing our attacks, and an explotion took place.

Maneko [Shouto Todoroki x Reader]
Фанфик🐱 This book is available in Polish (@_bluef0x) and Italian (@kamisamapotter4ever), thanks to these WONDERFUL people (you can also check them out on my reading lists if you are lazy). THANK YOU SO MUCH for doing this 💖💖💖 [Warning] Light cursing...