Chapter 2

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She picked up the scroll and started to read "do re si to fa mi...." with each word the blue light became brighter and brighter. As Alice Finished she had to take in sharp breaths of air to regain her strength, It had been a while since she'd done that. The breathing bit was quickly forgotten as she stared at the now standing vulpid in front of her. She quickly started to make the connections needed and willed the Vulpid to do the same.

'Elaine, that's her name' Said Alice happily as she embraced her Vulpid.

Alice was already getting used to having the consciousness of her infused vulpid with her

The next half an hour was spent watching as the rest of the nobles were welcomed to the kings castle

The first one being the Faversham's with Ophelia leading followed by Charles and finally Verity. They saluted the king and such finally coming to Alice and Fletcher.

'Look up, stand proud, you are of equal rank now' Alice reminded Fletcher

'What a delight to have you Alice, we are so happy you are finally back' said Ophelia, followed by a nodding Charles

'why thank you, and this is?' asked Alice gesturing towards verity.

'Oh right pardon Charles here for not introducing you earlier, Varety, this is lady Alice Raleigh, Fletcher's mother, Alice this is Verity Faversham, Charles' Daughter and my beautiful granddaughter'

'It is a pleasure to meet you my Lady' Said verity with a side glance landing on Fletcher

'the pleasure is mine' replied Alice

'Good evening Lady Faversham, Lord Faversham, Verity' Said Fletcher

'Good evening Fletcher' replied all

They continued on with their conversations with the occasional glance between Verity and Fletcher. She looked amazing, with the black and green ribbons around her hair and suck Verity's tan skin and black hair was in all a blessing.

A handsome, powerful, nobleman, and kind, she felt he was the one for her but obviously her Grandmother and father would disapprove. She wouldn't give up, not this time.

Every noble house came in soon after, Saladin, Colt, Cavendish until finally the Forsyth's showed up their red and green colours showing, they Greeted everyone and finally looked at Fletcher

'Well hello dear cousin, dear Untie' Isadora said

'Hello Isadora, Untie, Tarquin' replied Fletcher

'Well hello sweet sister' said Josephine

'favourite sibling' replied Alice

They both exchanged tension filled glances and moved on

The Cavells finally had some land and kept their noble status

'Hello Fletcher, and which low life did you bring along this time?'

'Hello Didric, I am Fletcher's mother, Lady Alice Raleigh, I've heard lots about you' Countered Alice with a hint of sarcasm in her voice 'I look forward to the meeting'

Finally not any sooner seraph and his dad arrived, welcomed by most, they made their way over

'Evening Seraph, this is my mother Lady Alice Raleigh'

'Please call me Alice'

'Lord Seraph Pasha or Seraph if you please my lady'

'He is a close friend of mine' said Fletcher to his mother'

Fletcher looked around the room expectantly, wondering why the meeting hadn't started yet after all the nobles were nowhere looking around the room as expectantly as the rest. Suddenly the gates swung open to reveal a handful of the high elves as well as half a dozen dwarves with their foot long moustaches and short bodies. They were all welcomed by most people although some nobles were still against them. The Forsyth and Cavell especially, the rest of the nobility didn't mind them.

The king called them all around the table with the head of each family seated plus fletches as he had earned the right when he won the tournament. Othello sat to fletchers left and Alice on the other end of the immense round table, the elves were all behind Sylvia and the dwarves were all behind Othello and Cress, Verity and seraph along Malik Saladin and Tarquin and Isadora behind their families' head, learning as one day they would be on those chairs themselves.

'Welcome, nobles, elves and dwarves. I have assembled you all fist to congratulate us all in winning this main raid against the orcs, second to congratulate the marriage of Arcturus Lovett and Captain Lovett who is, of course, a noble family, I do clean Arcturus over the Faversham's claim and make you a commoner born noble, none the less a noble in all I ask of all of you to treat him as an equal.' The king made a brief pause to see who would dare defy him, he had after all given them their own lands the last week, so he couldn't go back on his word. Their new home was also close to the Raleigh's and a little bit less than half the size but it was some land he could give them, it was also strategically there in case of a surprise attack from the orcs they could aid. He was not going to lose Alice again and leave Fletcher without a mother. 'I would also like for us to start planning on a final raid on the orcs and end this problem once and for all'

'I Refuse, not all Orcs are evil' Fletcher said without thinking
'How is that, as far and I'm concerned all they've done us is kill us on cold blood' countered Lady Forsyth with a hard stare.
'I don't think I could Agree more with my son the only reason we escaped was exactly because of an orc' replied Alice staring straight at Josephine.
'I must agree with Fletcher on this one, besides how would we be different from them if we killed them all?' said Malik putting his two cents in.

'Regardless, our battalion is very weak at the moment lacking in both summoners and infantry, thus we shall give it two years both to make the decision and to reinforce our army. On the other hand, I would like to inform you all of a celebration I'm planning to host to formally celebrate the return of Alice Raleigh to our ranks. It will be held next week here and of course, you are all invited, including elves and dwarves if you please, It will be casual clothes themed party. And with that, you are dismissed.'

'Excuse me, your majesty, may I request one more thing?' Asked Alice to fletcher's surprise

'For sure' Replied the king

'I would like to request to get our goods from the city back from the Forsyths as we' she said pointing to Fletcher and herself 'Are the rightful owners.'

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