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They landed just outside of the city, nerves took hold of fletcher as he thought more and more of what his sister might be like. He imagined her to have long black hair with the same hazel eyes that fletcher had. Brave and stubborn as every commoner, maybe even a little curious. The real question was; how was she going to take her heritage?

Fletcher looked around, the hot air and the bright yellow sun shined upon them, the yellow dry land that could be seen all through the outside of Antioch. Infusing their demons, they made their way toward the Great black doors which marked the beginning of the city. The Saladin's pride. Fletcher suddenly remembered how he had insulted the Saladins when he had versed Malik in his second round during the Tournament, regret filling his mind.

'State your business in Antioch' Shouted a guard as he approached them with a hand on the hilt of his sword.

'We have come to visit the Saladins. They are expecting us' Said Alice in a Firm Steady voice, hiding any feelings.

The guard's steady gaze dropped to their smallest finger, as he studied the heavy ring wrapped around it. Alice lifted her hand for the man to take a clearer look. The man's eyes widened as recognition clouded his face. The white and black colours of the feather hanging around their chest, combined with the R on the heavy Singlet ring. Feather's for the grace, beauty and agility of the Gryphowl, the Raleigh's accompanying demon, the ring, given only to noble family members who took orders only from the king and the R, the initial of the noble family.

The man bowed at them and let them through, guiding them to where a red and white car was waiting for them.

'Welcome to Antioch, Lord Saladin is waiting. Please' the driver said as he opened the back door, signalling for them to enter. Both Fletcher and Alice looked out of their windows, observing, Hoping. The city was mainly built off bricks and structured in a way that the building could survive the sand storms that attacked the city on a seasonal basis. Most houses were a dull yellow, similar to that of sand, unlike Pelt, this city did not seem to have many poor people roaming the streets, fighting for whatever scraps they could find. The trip was short as the Saladin's mansion happened to be in the centre of the city.

The man opened the doors of the car and helped Alice down, the mansion was huge, roughly a little bigger than Fletchers, with a glass window wrapping the highest floor of the mansion, the new great black door's opened as Malik stepped outside, his tan Skin shinning against the strong rays of the sun. he walked towards them, his phase steady, eyes didn't quiver looking straight at them. The boy was wearing a black uniform with two medals adorning it, his fang neckless representing the Anubid's strength, power. His small finger, which also had the heavy silver ring wrapped around it, the only difference being the S carved into it.

'Lady Raleigh, Fletcher. Welcome to Antioch.' Said Malik with wide arms embracing the whole city. 'Please, follow me, my mother and father seem to be waiting for you.' Finished the boy as he motioned for them to follow him. The mansion was beautiful, made by crystals of all kinds, they followed Malik, up two sets of stairs, each decorated with golden linings on the handrails, the various servants saluted them as they continued the days work, cleaning, cooking etc... Finally, they approached yet another set of huge doors, the only difference being the red design instead of black.

Malik opened the doors and signalled both Alice and Fletcher to follow him into the huge chamber. The ceiling was very high and the room was cool, unlike Antioch, they all turned to face three figures two of which were sitting on two large wooden chairs, with the third standing to the left of the bigger. All of them with the same golden crisp skin for which the Saladins and Pashas were known for, the man and woman wore heavy military suits same as Malik's, the boy, on the other hand, wore casual clothes and looked a little younger than Malik himself.

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