Chapter 3

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'I must apologize but I wouldn't want to return something to criminal, after all, who knows what he will do with it or who he might do with it' Josephine countered while looking at Fletcher
'As a noble Fletcher is not a criminal unless deemed so by the King himself. Besides I am here now to correct him. Now please return our money and belongings'
'You dare ask us to return something after we looked after it for so long. You should be ashamed'
'I would be if i I didn't know what happened that night' Alice shut Josephine with that, after all she didn't want the king to know who betrayed the Raleighs that night

'So, do we have a deal?' Alice asked with a calm voice.
'Come by during the week. It will be there' Was all Josephine said
'Also I would like our land to be split in half and not for it to all go to the Forsyth if that's alright your majesty. I am the heir of Half of the Queenshouth's Property after all' said Alice as she took the opportunity.
'Come by during the week Alice, I'm sure the Forsyths will have everything ready in Corcillum' was all the king had to say.

Alice and Fletcher said their thank you to the king and made their own way out of the castle. Their driver was already waiting, along with around 10 other drivers for each respective noble house. The trip was rather quick and effortless. A good 6 hours passed when they arrived in Raleighshire exhausted as they were, they said hello to Berdon, Genevieve and went to bed, it was going to be a busy week with what Fletcher had planned for his mother.

Woken up by a constant knock on his door, Fletcher got dressed and checked what was going on, and of course, it was breakfast. He strolled lazily up to the kitchen and grabbed some cereal and bread and headed back to bed. Suddenly he remembered and run down the staircase to the living room and out the doors.

'Please tell my mom I'll be back soon' he told a guardsman and with that, he was off.

'Genevieve' he screamed at the army.

'Problems my Lord?' Asked Genevieve already commanding formations

'No no no' he turned 'Kobe take care of the borders by yourself for a few hours please.'

'Yes, my lord' was Kobe's only reply

Fletcher summoned Ignatius, the drake and Athena the Gryphowl, Athena took flight straight away investigating what was new

'Athena, you will be staying here and be my eye, Genevieve please leave Valens here and tell me if there's some action. Now hop on, we have a place to visit'

Genevieve hoped on with a puzzled face, after all, it wasn't every day your Lord took you places.

Fletcher enjoyed the wind, the breathtaking view of what he called home, the sweet smell of natural environment, the cool breeze against his arms and face. It was amazing. On the other hand, Genevieve was still not half used to being this high up in the air, she closed her eyes and hope for it to end.

'We have arrived' Fletcher said

Genevieve scanned the area, the mansion looking house was one she could well recognise. Vocans Academy.

'What are we here for?'

'I would like to see my new fulfilment level, and I thought we should see yours too' Fletcher walked in welcomed by the servants he was one he recognised.

'Good morning Lord Raleigh, Lieutenant Genevieve'
'Morning, could you please show us to the Fulfilment level chamber?'
'Of course, my lord, please follow me'

They followed the small servant through a smallish hallway and into a greyish room with crystals all around it'

'Here we are'

The servant left and closed the door behind him. Leaving fletcher and Genevieve in the fulfil meter.

'Would you like to go first' Fletcher asked Genevieve

Genevieve slowly placed her hand on the Crystal hoping it would go higher than 5, hoping.

It went up very slow, 1,2,3,4,5 it hesitated but finally went up again, 6, 7,8 all the way until 14 cristals shined brigight in response to Genevieve's touch. Genevieve pulled her hand away very slowly with a wide smile on her face, she was not expecting more than 8.

'14 it is, congratulations' was Fletchers response
Genevieve could not believe it, she was a level 14, that meant she had room for another demon level 13 and bellow. She kept her smile the whole way as Fletcher was just as slow in making his was up to the crystals. He also extended his hand with and assassins caution, hesitating for a few minutes or so. Finally, as the hand came out, the crystals lit so fast up to 19 staying for a few seconds and then pumping up to 26. Fletcher retracted his hand and turned to see and even more shocked Genevieve.

'You are always surprising everyone' was Genevieve's only response to his fulfilment level. They made their way back to Raleigh shire on Ignatius back and were shook as always by the speed of the drake. They were back on his land by sunset.

They hadn't finished hopping off when fletcher heard her.

'Fletcher where have you been' asked Alice, 'I would like to introduce you to Angeline, she is a diplomat and will be teaching you how to behave like a noble for the next two weeks. After that, you will be going back to vocans to do your second year and learn battle tactics. You will be starting with Angeline in two days' time so please rest well dear.'

Fletcher sighted

'Also. Welcome back' Alice said with open arms embracing her child.

'please do your best' was fletchers response

'Genevieve, sorry, do you mind coming to see me tomorrow, If I'm going to leave for vocans I would like to leave my mum well equipped so I would like to make a trip to the ether tomorrow at first light with her and supervise while she gets a new demon, and I would like you to be with us in case something goes wrong. Also, with your new fulfilment level you might be able to catch something' Fletcher said as he winked and walked away.

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