Chapter two

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Wow! It's morning already? I sigh as I reluctantly get up from my world if know I meant my bed right?

Joshua isn't around to make me breakfast, he returned back to school early this morning before I got up. So I just grab a mug of hot chocolate and slowly sip it just before I hear the doorbell.

Aisha and I greeted each other and head towards her car. Did I tell you she talks so much and ends up blabbing? I can't believe I left out an important fact about my best friend!

"I can't believe you get to tutor who you hate the most in this world"she continued talking.

"I really appreciate the fact that you care about me, but you need to keep your eyes on the road". She mumbled something and I just laughed slightly.

Minutes later we pull into the parking lot, as soon as Aisha and I separated ways.. I head to my locker to get somethings for the day, after I close my locker I see Jordan leaning on the locker next to mine.

"I hear you're gonna be tutoring me?" He said with a faint British accent. "W-well yes"I stammered.

"Are you scared of me?"he asked as his lips curled up into a smirk.

"No! Why would you think that?" I asked trying to hide my fear and hatred.

"I don't think so, I know so"

"Then you're very wrong"I said trying to stand my ground. All I got was just him growling something I didn't really pick, sounded like he was cursing but I grabbed my things and proceed to go.

"Hey I'm not done with you!"he called out while pulling me back with my arm.

"Why are you bothering me?"

"Excuse me for being curious about my tutoring"

Then I realized I was meant to start tutoring today." Oh.....that!". He looked rather bored and said "we'll meet at the library everyday after school?"

Sounded more like a question but I replied him anyways "I..uh..I can't"

"Why?" He said with his eyes burning in fury.

"I have to catch up with my ride home"

"Then just walk"

"I don't think so....I'll try talking with Aisha to check if she could wait" I really doubt she would agree but it's worth a shot.

He gave me a slight relived nod and headed to his class. That was surprising u thought to myself, wonder why he was curious though. I just thought he never really cared about school but turned out he did...a bit.

To my disadvantage the day was going too fast as it was already time for lunch break. Aisha wasn't available for some awkward reason she texted me earlier that her mum called her to take her puppy to the weird right?

I didn't feel her presence as Drew was already at our lunch table talking with Maddie...sometimes I wonder why he even spoke to her. Sure he was cute and everything but really?? Maddie?? NO!

I walk up to him as Maddie was already glaring at me for some reason I really didn't care about.

"Hey Drew"I greeted.

"Can't you see we are having a conversation, bitch leave!"Maddie said angrily.

Drew quickly replied"Last time I checked I wasn't interested in talking to just always force yourself on me". Maddie just gasped and stormed off with her minions Patricia and Violet.

I always liked they fact that Drew stood up for me most times but, it doesn't mean I'm weak. I can really give a good come back if I want but I really didn't have her time.

"Hey don't worry about that piece of shit"I cringed at the use of his swear word, he understood and muttered a quick sorry and we both laughed about it.

We talked about different things till lunch was over.

Time for chemistry I mentally rolled my eyes. It's not that I don't like the subject but it's a lot of work I thought as I found my way to the laboratory.

"Today you all will be paired and given projects to work on"he continued talking about what we had to do but I spaced out thinking of my Doom after school.

"Link with Diamond, Alex with Elysia"that was all I heard before I felt someone throw a paper at me .

It was Maddie the paper read 'how could you nerdy bitch be lucky to have Alex as your partner.

I just shrugged, formed the paper into a ball and threw it on my way out of class. "Elysia! Wait up" it was Alex calling me.

"Hi" I said shyly

"So....when can we meet?"

"I really don't know cuz I have to tutor someone"

"Who?"he asked and I shook my head signalling to him that I couldn't tell. I sure didn't want my head cut off.

I guess he understood and quickly changed the subject. "So Saturday at my place?"he asked.

"Sounds like a plan"I said and we both laughed slightly.

"I'll text you my address, give me your number" he stretched out his phone toward me. I carefully took making sure I didn't make contact with him inserted my number and gave it back.

What am I getting into???? Universe what are you doing to me. The day went faster I went to the library to wait for Jordan I waited for an hour so I just left.

Unfortunately for me I had to walk.

As I was walking home I heard a car honk and it was Jordan.

He pulled over. And slid his window down.

"Why weren't you at the library today?"I suddenly regretted what I said and continued walking.

He just ignored me and followed me slowly...I was actually having hopes of getting a ride until I hear"I would have given you a ride.. but I just got my seats polished"and with that he zoomed off.

As I got home I saw Jordan's car by my house.

"Great, he was following me" I said out loud.

"No I wasn't.. Beauty, I live right next to you" he smirked and left me

Did he just call me beauty??
I'm in for trouble I thought to myself as I entered my house.

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