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it's the first day of school. again. for the second time this year.

it's november 23, and this lucky girl gets to start at a new high school half way through first semester. this school is much smaller than the one i used to go to, making me feel like i'll be boxed in with limited room to breathe. i guess it's okay because it won't be as intimidating, which is what my mom keeps trying to tell me. but for some reason the idea of a small school scares me more than a big school.

maybe it's because if i don't find people i have things in common with, there won't be many other places to look. i'm not a band geek, not an athlete, not quite dramatic enough to be a drama kid. and, honestly, i just don't care about musicals enough to consider striking a conversation with the drama kids.

it's 7:30 and the bus comes at 7:45 to take me to my new jail cell. i pick up my backpack after taking one last look in my mirror— one of the only things i have unpacked— and head down to the kitchen for a quick bowl of cereal and a cup of coffee to take on my way.

"good morning, hunny." my mom greets me, packing her purse with nonsense things.

"morning, mom." i shuffle past her to the cabinet where she said our cereal will be. and i open it to find that, quite frankly, the cabinet is empty.

i frown. "is there anything for breakfast?"

my mom sounds rushed and panicky. it's her first day on the new job and i can tell she's nervous. "oh, i'm sorry, hunny. i meant to run out and buy some last night and it totally slipped my mind. there's still some coffee in the coffee pot, though."

my stomach growls. perfect timing.

"it's okay; i'll see if i can find time to stop at the cafeteria... if i can find the cafeteria." i pour the hot coffee into my to-go cup and find myself utterly relieved when i see the milk in the fridge.

my mom stops scrambling for a second and i can hear her sigh. "cassie, it'll be okay. you'll find things out."

i pour the milk into my coffee and stir it with the plastic spoon my mom so gracefully placed by the to-go cups.

"i know. i'm just stressed about it." i taste test the coffee. needs less milk next time.

"you'll be fine, i promise." my mom comes and gives me a big hug. "i have to head out now, but here's your house key so you can lock up when you have to leave."

the key chain is a purple heart with my name on it. we got it when i was, like, twelve with one of my best friends when my parents took us to niagara falls. it says 'cassandra,' being one of the only things i can find with my actual name on it.

"love you," i say as she walks out the door.

"i love you more!" she calls back to me as the door closes shut.

the house is silent and i check the time on my phone. 7:38. i have to walk to the bus stop soon and i am far from prepared.

a message from one of my old friends pops up on my phone.

chlo: have a good first day boo!!! xoxo

i smile. she's the keychain friend. i make sure to reply with a thank you and a large abundance of heart emojis before i head out.

the bus stop isn't far at all; i can already see a couple of the kids standing there. it's 7:42. i feel relieved that i'm not the only one a couple minutes early. without those other kids standing there i probably would have had no clue where i was going.

there's small chatter going on throughout the little group who got here before me. tests, coffee, teachers, and the relatable fact of being too tired to wake up on time seems to be the most popular conversation topics here. i can work with that.

new girl // brandon arreagaWhere stories live. Discover now