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a/n: okay not to be THAT bitch but imma be that bitch..... i'm not gonna start posting my updates until i hit a certain number of votes because it lets me know y'all are enjoying the story and actually want more!! it'll also give me more time to make good quality content and improve the plot so it's more enjoyable for you all to read. and i'm so thankful for 36,000 reads!! love you guys💖

next update will be at 40 votes :)


once i've managed to calm down, i call cassie and hope she'll pick up. i owe her a few explanations.

i still feel pangs of guilt in my chest over meeting up with kayla, and then feel anger as i think of what happened with her and nick. i want to place the blame on someone, just to ease my nerves, but i don't even know either side of the story.

all i know is that neither of them seemed to have intended to tell me— or at least kayla didn't. she didn't even bring anything up when i left cassie alone this morning to be at her beckon-call.

cassie's phone rings four times before i hear that she picks up.

"yes?" cassie sighs as she answers.

"i'm sorry," i mumble. "i should have called you earlier."

there's a moment of silence on the other end and then another heavy sigh. "yes, you should have."

"i was just so upset and worked up about everything that i had to leave." i frown, running a hand through my dirty hair.

"it's fine," cassie says. "i know how hard it can be when parents fight."

i nod my head to myself, rolling my eyes. if only she knew the whole story.

"it's fine that you left," she continues. "i would need space too if i were you."

"so you know about everything?" i ask, sadness dragging along in my voice.

"yeah, i do."

"okay," i sigh. "well, that's good to know."

"and if i were you, i would forgive nick. he obviously feels really guilty for making you upset." cassie continues.

and here is where i become confused.

"what?" i ask. "forgive him?"

how could i possibly forgive him— especially so soon— after everything? i almost feel anger at cassie's suggestion.

"yes, brandon. you guys got into a petty fight and i think you should just let it go. it's not either of your faults that your parents are fighting." she says.

what? my parents are fighting? i wouldn't even know if they were fighting because i haven't seen them in almost three weeks, so how would anyone else know? what is she talking about?

i'm about to ask her when everything suddenly clicks.

nick didn't tell her about him and kayla.

he came up with another reason for why i stormed out and got so angry. and i must admit, i'm almost glad that he did. if cassie were to find out today too, i think the whole friend group would have been shattered to pieces rather than only nick and i.

new girl // brandon arreagaWhere stories live. Discover now