Chapter 15

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YuLong froze. She didn't know what to say.

"Have you thought this through HuangAn? You just met him today." She said slowly.

HuangAn nodded, "Just because we move along faster than you and LongJun, doesn't mean it's not a good decision."

"HuangAn, have you ever tried getting to know him a little first?" She was worried for her cousin. After all, YuLong had a firsthand experience of his actions towards women.

"YuLong, please. Don't push this any further. I know he's a player. I know he has a mistress. And I know I'll get hurt." HuangAn's eyes filled with tears, "But I can't help but want to figure this out myself. So please don't interfere."

YuLong's expression softened. "Fine, but promise me one thing." She sighed, "Don't change for him. Don't do something just because you think you'll get closer to him or gain his approval."  Don't end up like LiZhu.

HuangAn nodded, "I promise."

Concubine Wu and Liu'er were watching closely.

"Well," Concubine Wu finally said to break the silence.  "I think we all need to relax a bit. And HuangAn needs rest." She winked at HuangAn, "Come on ladies."

"Oh no, you don't." HuangAn stood up and stopped us in our tracks. "XiLian, you still haven't told us who you were seeing."

XiLian was Concubine Wu's first name. Though most just knew her as Concubine Wu. With her closest friends, YuLong, HuangAn and Liu'er, she preferred to use more casual means of addressing each other.

XiLian frowned, "HuangAn, don't you think it's a little unfair?"

"It not unfair."


"What?" YuLong aksed,

"Guess who it is."

They sighed, "Why must we play this game XiLian?"

XiLian crossed her arms, "It's the only way you'll ever find the answer."

"A eunuch."



"Sort of."



YuLong asked again, "Do I know him?"

XiLian smirked, "Quite well I think."

Then the thought dawned on her. "My brother?"

XiLian smiled, "Which one?"


Why would she fall for YiFeng, a 9-year-old child? And She knows not of YiHong.

"You are correct."

YuLong gasped, "But why wouldn't YiCheng tell me about all of this?" she rubbed her forehead, "Does he not trust me anymore?"

"It's not that." XiLian put a hand on YuLong's shoulder, "I made him promise that he would tell no one." She sighed, "And you know how serious he is with his promises."

"It's almost evening," YuLong stood up, "We should really go back to the palace."

HuangAn nodded, "I hope to see you around YuLong."


YuLong stood up from the bathtub. She had a cloth wrapped tightly against her as she entered LongJun's room. No one had seen her since she had used his private bathing room which was connected to his chambers.

"I don't know why you insist on me using your private bathing room," YuLong said, as she dried her hair with another cloth, "I can always use my own. That way,  I can at least put on some clothes before I see you."

LongJun grinned and kissed her, "But when you're alone with me, clothes are absolutely unnecessary. Why put them on, if you know I'll take them off as soon as soon as you come over?"

YuLong rolled her eyes, "What if my cycle is starting?"

LongJun furrowed his brow, "Is it? I don't want to hurt you when I-"

She shook her head, "No, it starts in another week."

He kissed her neck, "Then, I'll have to cherish you greatly until then."


A man appeared before her.

"What do you want?" She spat. "I told you, I want no part of what you're doing."

"Sister, I need you by my side."

"I don't want to hear it."

He sat down on the ground beside her, "Is it because you're in love? With him?"

She sighed, "That and many other reasons."

"Oh?" He raised his eyebrow, "And what reasons may those be?"

"Why do you want to rebel against him?"

"That..." he hesitated, "My dear sister, that I cannot tell you."

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