Chapter 2: Milkshakes and Unfamiliar Faces.

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Lukas' P.O.V -

I woke up the following day feeling quite out of sync. I had a specific routine for every day throughout the week. Today, something was different.

Brushing off my strange mood, I glanced over at my alarm clock which read *8:50 am*. "Shit, shit, shit" I exhaled. I was so late, Coach Jones was going to rip me to absolute pieces. Throwing on my football jersey and basically falling down the stairs of my house, I made it into school only five minutes later than usual. Unsurprisingly, I was met by the same over-enthusiastic attitude that I was greeted with at the start of each practice. Coach Jonas was basically like a Father to me, just because he was constantly busting our ass's about anything and everything. He was still the most respected teacher that Bridgeway High had ever had seen. Despite all of Coaches effort to motivate the team, my head was still elsewhere. Fortunately no-one had asked questions yet about my busted lip and stiff limbs; however, I was still waiting for Coach to grill me after training. Luckily, the school day went fairly quickly...same shit, different day. And by the time I had realised, the bell was once again filling the halls with it's annoying ring signalling that I could enjoy whatever the weekend ahead brings.

Instead of driving straight home, I spontaneously decided that I wanted to go to the mall to see if I could shake the burden of feelings which stuck with me the entire day. Although what I discovered next was surely not some type of coincidence...or was it? I was lining up waiting for my name to be called to tell me my Oreo chocolate milkshake was ready to be collected when I heard a snippet of what seemed the most familiar yet equally estranged voice. "Look Sir, I do not care if your milkshake is not what you ordered because quite frankly, I do not care what you think whatsoever". The most sarcastic tone bellowed throughout the busy store causing everyone in sight to turn around paying attention to the scene unfolding before them.

My heart started beating at an unusual speed whilst my palms became disgustingly clammy. "Order of Oreo chocolate milk for Lukas is now ready to be collected" She spat through the tiny microphone attached to the computer in front of her. I stayed frozen before her, trying to figure out who this girl was and why she made me tremble the way she did. I was soon cut off by the same voice, "Lukas, whoever you are. Come and collect your order before I chuck it in the bin". Daringly, I stride through the crowd of irritated shoppers with confidence of ten men and over to the counter where the girl stood awaiting my interaction. Once I reached her, it was obvious she recognised me as her hazel crusted eyes deepened with emotion. Yet I had no clue what type of emotion she was feeling as I could not remember her face, but I recognised her voice in the most distinctive manner. I searched deeply into her eyes with certainty and slowly placed my hand around hers which was holding my order.

"You don't remember me, do you?" The aggressive girl spoke with a softer yet slightly offended tone whilst rapidly removing her hand from where mine was originally placed.

"Am I supposed to?" I sharply responded.

The girl with the hazel eyes furrowed her eyebrows and sighed in response. Pausing for only a second, she replied, "I'm the person who hit you with my car".

Awkward silence filled the air, I had no idea how to respond because I just could not read her. That spoke volumes alone about her personality, she clearly doesn't give anything away. I opened my mouth after what seemed like the longest pause in history, "Well are you going to apologise or not?". I stirred hoping to get a reaction out of her.

She stared at me with anger in her eyes and sweat beads forming little circles along her forehead. "How dare you speak to me like that! I was going to say, you should be the one apologising considering you walked out so carelessly behind my car" She spat through the skin of her teeth.

Faith's P.O.V -

I watched him walk away. I just stared in awe of what happened, over-analysing every motion he made. This was beyond out of character of me, usually I pretend like I don't give a flying fuck about anyone other than myself but this was completely different. This foreign feeling burned up inside causing what only could be described as like a fire within. Throughout my entire life; I had been fighting, whether it was a person or a situation I couldn't handle. I knew that this time, I could not fight my way out of this. That to me, was the scariest thing I have ever encountered.

"Come on sweetheart, no reason to be crying over spilled milk". A petite elderly lady interrupted my pondering. As I fixated my blurry eyes on the split milkshake which continued to spread all over the floor; for the first time in forever, I realised I was crying. 

Was the Ice Queen seriously crying over some guy who she barely knew of?

Apparently so...

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