Chapter 5: Embracing Happiness

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Faith's P.O.V

Flashbacks of my entire life came pouring in as I was dodging through traffic trying not to hit another. With blurred vision, I pulled of the freeway and drove down the same old road I was used to running away to when shit hit the fan. This time was definitely different.
I had never felt so alone before. I never let anyone in and this was exactly why.

As Sofia flooded my phone with missed calls, I knew it wasn't because she cared about me. I knew it was only because I had left school so suddenly and they were probably busting her ass trying to find me.
I lay staring at the waves colliding with the shore. Without hesitation, I threw the phone into the ocean and began slowly walking closer to the end of the pier. Meanwhile, the half broken wooden planks left splinters in my soles, the pain felt comforting. I was used to pain, it was my normal. I was so caught up with emotion that I didn't even realise the bottom of my feet began to bleed out over the dock.
I turned so that my back was facing the sea, the last thing I saw was his face before plunging straight into the freezing cold. I imagined him calling out my name as I began sinking to the bottom and at the last moment before my body went numb I swore I could see him pulling me up to the surface.

Lukas' P.O.V
She intrigued me. The way she acted like she didn't care for anyone to know who she really was. And yet, I felt like I knew everything about her without even really knowing her.

She looked in pain, I didn't want to look at her like that. I wanted the same girl who lit up at the sight of waves crashing the sand and how she adored the way the stars only revealed themselves at night. I always found her fascinating, I'd just never of shown it until that night we spoke for 3 consecutive hours about god knows what.
My thoughts were interrupted by the cold touch of Regina's hand rubbing my arm up and down as if she was trying to make someone jealous. I caught her burning eyes in Faith's directions so I quickly removed her hand and carried on with the game which I thought was the best move at the time considering I was already late to gym.
Although, clearly it wasn't when I saw Faith sprint out of the door with tears streaming down her face.
I chased her without hesitation. Ignoring all hollering of my name and followed what my heart was telling me to do.
Always go for the girl.

Faith's P.O.V
The next few weeks were a total blur, all I remember was waking up in a hospital bed. You'd think that any normal person would be surrounded by countless people who love you and want you to be okay. Not me, I woke up to the a nurse checking my vitals and offering me shitty hospital food. Must admit, the jelly was good though not that anyone asked...
I spent the next month rebuilding my strength in hospital and getting frustrated at nurses constantly watching me. I know it's their job and all but can't a girl pee in peace?

It was July 4th now and I was finally getting discharged. Thinking back to what happened, I had no reconciliation of who brought me back or even why because there was nobody around to tell me. I was just looking forward to getting back to my house and washing the horrible hospital smell that I probably now permanently reeked of.
As the taxi pulled up to my house, the most familiar stranger was to my surprise waiting on the doorstep as if I was his number one priority.
"Lukas, what are you doing here" I questioned him.

Lukas's P.O.V
I waited everyday. Everyday she was in the hospital I visited and sat next to her as if I had known her my whole life. I longed for her to wake up and see that I was the only one here for her. From what Faith had previously said about her mother, it's probably best she isn't here when she wakes up or even here at all.
A few weeks passed and my visits to faith had turned into a part of my daily routine. I had to see her once a day to see how she was progressing. My family found it odd that I was spending so much time with someone who wasn't even a part of my life as such. But I couldn't care less, nobody knew how I felt and that's how I liked it.
She finally woke up. An empty room was the first thing she saw when she woke up and to my disappointment, she seemed as if this was what she was expecting. It made me sad to think that she would never know how long I dedicated my time to her while she was unresponsive.
"You should let her know how much you care you know" a soft voice spoke behind me as I peered into Faith's room as she was resting.

I wanted to reply but my lips would not let me.

"I've been a nurse here for 20 years. You see happiness but you also see a lot of pain and regret here. She is alive. Embrace the happiness" The kind hearted nurse gave a simple smile in approval and then carried on helping the other patients.

And with that, I did exactly that.
I embraced happiness.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2019 ⏰

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