Part 1

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       I watched the long metal rod make contact with the fresh earth at me feet. I continued to make lines in the dirt. First a circle. Then a circle within the circle, a star of david, and an uneven Gemini sign in the middle of it all. I took a step back and examined my work. It was about four feet in width, but it was decent. I pulled out a bundle of sage from my pocket, and with it; a lighter. I lit the sage, then placed it in the middle of the drawing.

      I stood east-facing to the drawing. A Meditation. An attempt at least. For i wasn't all that good at magic. Plus, i honestly had no idea what this circle meant. I stood a moment longer, than sat on the edge of the drawing, in a criss-cross position. I closed my eyes, and allowed my arms to rest on my knees, and took in a deep breath.

      I felt the cool morning breeze blow through my short grey-blonde hair.



      I took a whiff of the sage with that breath. Calming. Filling. The sage was to purify. To let out The negative Energy.


     I felt my stiff muscles go lax. Inhale. The wind rustles the leaves and pines of the trees over head. Maybe a Bird flew off, or maybe one just landed. Exhale. Inhale. The world goes quiet. A meditation. A moment of serenity. A moment of peace. A moment of Relaxation.



      Quiet, Free.



       I opened My Eyes. It Was Quiet, All except for the morning breeze, the birds, and my own breathing. It was Freya's Day. There was a slight noise off in the distance. As it got closer i recognized it at footsteps in tall, lush grass. Looking back over my shoulder, i could see that it was Lucas. He held a round object in his hand. As he got closer, The object became an apple. Red,with a golden tone.

       Lucas came around to the front of the circle, examining it. "Freya, Shakti, Hathor, Rionnon," He took a bite of the fruit. "Rhea, Matt, the Morrigan." Another bite. He now stood in front of me, looking at the circle.

       "Is it alright?" I asked shifting my sitting position a bit, so that my knees were under me.

        Lucas studied it for a moment. "Yes. But," He took another bite from his apple, then began to speak while chewing it. "You forgot Leo, Virgo, Scorpio, and Cancer." He walked over to where i had dropped the metal stick, picked it up, then began to draw four more circles on the outskirts of my own.

       "Lucas, wait." I stood up and went to take the stick from him.

       He continued drawing. "What?"

      "I'm not trying to summon a Naberius. It's just for meditation."

       "Oh. sorry," he stopped, threw down the stick, and scratched out the nearest circle. "They just look similar to me. That's all."

       "What's similar about them? They look nothing alike to me."

       "I'm not sure. But it's probably a good thing that we don't summon a demon. I'm not in the mood to deal with another exorcist this month."

       I didn't reply. Lucas finished scratching out the other circles and walked away. Probably to our makeshift tent. I sighed and looked at my work.

       "So it was correct after all."

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