Days 14-18 putting it into action

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Day fourteen: and so it begins
Today I volunteered to clean up
Edna thought I was being strange,
I put her mind at ease by saying "I'm just trying to have an open mind and a positive attitude" "good for you honey" was her reply
Eli was respectful in circle and
Ryan just got to know people
Day Fifteen: today in circle I shared just to make sure our plan will work I said "I'm trying to have a positive attitude and trying to be nice to everyone because I know I have been kind of bitter towards people" I hope that helped us  look less suspicious.
Day Sixteen: I've gotten kind of used to the wheelchair I can move around on my own quite well without any help the only problem with our amazing plan is me. Because of the wheelchair I would g be able to go out the window quickly so we need to find a door for us to leave from instead.
There is one that is used for the garbage to be taken out of, When Ryan brought this up Eli said she would take on garbage duty so that she could get the layout of the land.
Now out plan was perfect
Day seventeen: Ryan brought up another good point today we need money for gas and food, there is a vending machine here so I said we can ask our parents for money for the vending machine and instead of spending it we can keep it for gas and food money. Eli who has been here longer then me also pointed out the point system, the point system is where we get points added or deducted based on behaviour and once we get to 100 point we can choose a reward one of the choices is money I think it's twenty dollars but I already have 57 points and Eli has 73 Ryan has 5 because he just got here. Now out plan is perfect
Day Eighteen: did I say perfect because I was wrong, planning an escape is hard enough but having someone with anxiety be in your team is even harder and add someone with OCD it gets even harder me I just want out of here so I'm trying my best. The newest worry is a car how will we get one it was Eli who brought this up but Ryan drove his car here and it's still in the parking lot we just need to get the keys back from Greg's office.

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