Day 19 And rachel's introduction

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Day nineteen: "who even is Greg?" Ryan was the one to pose such a dumb question Eli and I laughed the second he asked it, "Greg is the director of this shit show" Eli was the one to break the laughter. Ryan trying to get more Information asked "is he the bald guy?", "bald, thick black rimmed glasses, wears only turtlenecks and blue jeans" I was trying my best to describe him but Greg is just Greg so it was quite hard.
"You have been here just over a week Ryan you should be meeting with him soon, and when you do we'll get the
K—" Eli was cut off by Alexa opening our door, we all looked at the door when we saw it was Alexa with a groan Eli said "what do you want?"
Sheepishly she replied "I want in"
Trying to cover our tracks I joined the conversation "we aren't doing anything lex so please just leave"
Sharply "EDNNNNNNNNAAA" Alexa the little bitch was about to snitch on an operation she knew nothing about.
Eli jumped up and in three seconds flat her hands were around Alexa's throat that silenced her. Gasping for air and turning blue Alexa made one desperate attempt to get Eli off of her "fine then I won't tell enda but I won't tell you where Rachel is"
She hit the floor with a thud, Eli sat back on the bed with tears in her eyes but not tears of sadness tears of anger and confusion. "Close the fucking door she's not leaving" Ryan was the first to move after she had spoken carefully getting up he closed the door. Then pulled a chair in front of the door and sat down, Alexa let out a whimper of sorts as she came too, Eli realizing she wasn't passed out anymore jumped up and grabbed her, Eli isn't the strongest person alive but Alexa isn't the heaviest person either. She picked up Alexa and put her on the bed, then proceeded to sit on her and pin her arms down, "ahhh what the fuck Eli" Alexa was shocked and confused when she opened her eyes again, "you little bitch if you except me to let you out of here you are going to tell me where Rachel is"
Ryan once again the asker if dumb questions and dumb times "who is Rachel exactly?" I gave Ryan a look that more or less told him to shut up and he did. Alexa laughed "you think this is how you will get information out of me?" "Actually yes because you know that I don't give two shits about what happens to you or me so please do keep with holding information and watch what happens to you face"
Alexa clearly threatened in one breath said "she's down the hall on lockdown room 205 please let me go"
Eli got up and let her out "you better not be lying" Alexa practically ran out the room, we ended the meeting and said we would pick it back up tomorrow.

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