Hi! I know there's allot of Directioners right here in Wattpad, including me! jeje. So I wanted to do a One Direction fanfic, hope you guys like it! :)
Chapter 1: Meeting Niall
I was runnig, from my parents ,they havent stoped hitting me, like I had did something wrong. Well im sick of it and im running away.
"Uggh!" I just ran into a guy , he made me fall on to the ground and it really hurt, I felt all the bruises and my ribs like crak apart, but I was the one running so it was my fault. "Are you ok?" he said, I couldn't quite see him well, it was a hot day and the sun burned my eyes everytime I loked up. I felt like fainting, like I had a black out, and I just stood there, laying on the ground, hurt and crying I just remmember saying "Take me to the hospital" and then blaking out.
(*Niall's POV*)
I was walking to the studio, ready for Paul to pick me up, but I ran into a girl, she looked like 17, she looks cute. I dont even know her, she looks hurt though, she asked me to take her to the hospital witch im going to do because I can't stand a girl looking this vulnerable.
I picked her up bridal style and started to run to the hospital, and in that I felt like her responsability, like her father or something, she looks like she was abused by people with a strong feeling about hurting her.
(Im sorry guys I had so little time to write the storie but I promise I will post more, cross my heart)
So here is the other part:
(*Sara's POV*)
I feel like a robot with a robe, it's a strange feeling, then I remmembered running into that guy and tellin him to take me to the hospital, I really don't remmember seeing his face. Now im a bit confused and kind of releaved that im away from my parents, but what im I going to do when they find out about this?, just then I saw a shadow of a short yet taller than me, a shape of a guy I think.... oh it's him, he walked straight to the room he had blue sparkling eyes a withe t-shrit and his hair was like white and goldish, I didn't pay much of attention at what his hair looked like but he wasn't ugly. He stood next to me, "Hey there. The nurse say's youll be alright, all I need to know is your name" I didn't react that fast as I was lost by he's beautiful blue eyes, but then I remmembered and answered "M..m..my name is Sara" I said insecure,then I sarted to think and it came to my mind "What is your name, stranger?" I asked sheepishly he turned around with a puzzeled face " My name is Niall, Niall Horan" he said with a wide smile, like it was a obvious question, but then again I have never heard of him so I just smiled back and he stared at me quite strangely "What?" I asked, I just asked because he made me feel like kind of beeing stalked by a person "Oh nothing, is just I was expecting another reaction" he said smiling.

Living with Them (A One Direction fan fiction) *FINISHED*
FanfictionSara, is an 18 year old girl who lived with her parents, who abused her. One day she ran into Niall, who took her to the hospital and he takes her to the boys house were they all bonded and maybe some of the guys fall in love with her. What's going...