Chapter 2: Getting to know them

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(*Niall's POV*)

It was strange saying my name to Sara and her not to freak out "Should I know who you are?" she asked, I like her voice it's sweet "Well, no but it's strange for me to hear a person asking my name and not knowing who I am" she stared at me with a puzzeled face and I laughed at her reaction and she continued staring at me "Why is it strange? your just another normal guy, or are you an alien or something" she said giggling I laughed too "Well im kind of famous" I said waiting for her reaction and she just stood there "You're joking, right?" she said I shook my head in disagreement and she stared at the celling trying to remmember something "What's wrong, darling?" she stood there trying to think again "Oh, im just trying to think of your name trying to figure out why are you famous, but I can't seem to figure it out" well it felt good to hear someone say that im a normal guy, I kind of miss that, being a normal irish guy but being famous and following my dreams, it was worth it "How old are you?" she looked like my age but I just wanted to be sure "Im 18, but im going to be 19 in two weeks from now" I nodded slowly and then my phone rang I took it out of my pocket and saw who was it. Of course, it was Liam, sure enough I knew he was going to be mad at me, but I have a good explination "What's wrong, lad?" I asked knowing that he wanted to make sure im fine. "Well it's almoust ten thirty and we were sopoused to be in the studio at nine, what kept you so long" Sara looked at me with a smile and she smile's cute "I was in my way to the studio but..." in that moment Sara's face turned red and her smile was gone I started to think and took the blame. " I ran into a girl, she was rather hurt and when we ran into each other she asked me to take her to the hospital, and here's were I am right now" Sara's smile came back and she wispered a "Thank you" and I gave a wink at her, she blushed, she looked cuter when she blushed. "Ok then mate, im glad you're ok, but who is the girl, someone we know?" I remmembered her not reacting like a crazed fan when I told her my name so.. "No, just a girl I ran into", "Ok mate, well me and the boys are on our way" Liam sounded releaved, "Bye mate, see you in the hospital", "Ok then I'll see you then" I hung up.

(*Sara's POV*)

I don't know what just happened, but umm what's his name?... oh yeah, but Niall took me here and I remmember telling him that but I don't remmember why. Just then Niall hung up and I took advantage of the spear time " Niall?", "Yes, darling?", "How did I ended in here?" Niall looked at me like if I was a crazy person and I giggled, he winked and smiled "Well we ran into each other and you told me to take you here and then you passed out, and then I carried you here" I smirked, "I fell tired" I yawned, putting my hand over my mouth "You sleep honey I'll wait for the boys outside" Niall's like a father I never had. "Ok but.. who are the boys?" Niall laughed "I'll explain later, you need your rest, you sleep darling", "Fine, but you need to promise to tell me who are those "boys" you're waiting for" Niall laughed "Cross me heart" he said, and I fainally shut my eyes geeting some sleep.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Im sorry if it's short guys but I need to get some sleep, you know were I got that last part eh? bye! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Here's what's next-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(*Liam's POV*)

Niall's late, again, I really get stressesd when that happens, but today it's different and im going to let this one pass, "Guys, we need to go to the hospital" the boys stared at me with a scared face, "Why?", "Is Niall ok?", "What happened 'Daddy'?" I smirked at Lou, it has been long since they've called me ''Daddy", "Niall's fine, but he ran into a girl who he says she's hurt, so we need to support him, he took the girl to the hospital that's why he's there" Zayn, Harry and Louis got their relieved faces again "SHOT GUN!" obviously that was Lou and his child voice, I was rather funned by it, just when I turned around there were the three runnig out side the room, Harry and Lou were fighting while they were stuck in the door, I think Zayn and I had the same idea becuase we both ran and pushed them when they both hit the ground Zayn and I stareted to laugh and to run knowing we were going to face the concecuences and when it comes to Lou I get scared of the things he can and will do.

(*Louis' POV*)

Im releaved hearing that Niall's ok, but why does he run into girls, ALWAYS, I laughed at the thought but then I remembered why was I on the floor and beleive me Zayn and Liam are going to get it, I stared at Hazza and sure enough he was thinking the same thing that I was. When we got up we started to run, as we passed through the hallway I remmembered all the fun and games we had all the five of us I really think of these guy as my second family, as my brothers. I really don't like having favorites but Hazza is my closets brother.

(*Sara's POV*)

I woke up and heard Niall talking to someone, must be some of those "boys" he was talking of. "She's a nice girl, and dosen't know us, I mean like a band" are they talking about me? "Her name is Sara and she's 18 and she's kind of cute" I heard an instant silence, I think I blushed and felt how I turned red. "Oh Niall has a crush?" I know that was a brirtish accent but who the hell is it?. I decided to sit in the bed and wait for Niall to come in and tell me who the hell are those "boys" he was speaking of. In that moment he came in, but alone. "Had a nice nap?" he said that chukling, I chukled too, "Yep, but i've been awake for a while now and kind of overheard you guys, I mean "boys", talking" Niall laughed but in moments his smile went away and his face turned red "You heard all of it?" he said in a concerned voice, and I know why, he thinks I heard him saying I was cute, I giggled "Well im not sure but I started to hear when you said what was my name" I giggled again, I think I blushed for a moment and Niall too, he looks funny when he blushes, "So you did heard everything I said?" his face turned tomatoe red, I nodded.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------so what do you guys think so far?, plzz comment and vote the only comment i've seen really made me happy ;). COMMEMT AND VOTE PLZZ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(*Liam's POV*)

"You guys can come in now" I noticed when Niall called us his face was red-ish I think he likes her, um er, Sara. We all stood up and Lou winked at me, I think he also noticed Niall's red-ish face, then I saw Lou smirking and I know what that means Lou is going to make fun of him and poor Sara, even though I haven't met her I think she's going to like us.

(*Harry's POV*)

I was the first one to come in Sara's room and well just at sight I can tell she is very pretty, "Hi im Harry Styles, but you can call me Harry or Hazza" I said winking, Sara blushed I knew then that she was a cheeky one, I like cheeky girls, just then came in Lou and Liam then Zayn "Im Louis Tomlinson but you can call me Lou or BooBear" Sara giggled "Im Liam Payne but you can call me... um... Liam" Sara laughed, "Vas happening, im Zayn Malik" at that moment Sara just bursted out laughing, she's cute when she laughs, I kind of like it.

Living with Them (A One Direction fan fiction) *FINISHED*Where stories live. Discover now