Chapter 4: Going shopping!

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"Guys let's go!" shouted Lou who already was in the car, I got in the car, Lou was drving and I sat betwen Liam and Harry we were talking about the time they all went shopping, moust of them was they went shopping with they're girlfriends I laughed at every story they told me they are very clueless and very funny im going to like it here. 

(Im sorry I haven't updated I went on vacation for this week, im glad i have readers and votes and comments! When I got the fisrt comments I started to jump up and down and scream in happiness tanx to all u guys! love u bunches! xx c:)

(*Louis' POV*) 

Sara is a very nice girl, very different from other girls, she reminds me of Eleanor or I think I miss her...... anyways while we were talking about the times we went shopping but to Sara our stories were funny to her and im not sure why. Everytime she was laughing for some reason we were laughing too Niall was the one who was laughing harder, when we got to the Mall Sara stood infront of the Entrance and with her jaw open I stared at her and chukled.

"You like it?" she turned around to see me and blushed I think she didn't  see me walking towards her.

"I.. I...I LOVE IT! It's like nothing I've ever seen in my hole entire life!!" she looked like a little girl on her first visit to the Toy store, i laughed and introduced her to the Mall. 

(Im sorry this one is to short but I wrote this this night  when I got back from vacations ill write more maybe tomorrow or Sunday :)) 

(Luckily im going to update today so, here it is)

(*Sara's POV*) 

We entered the Mall and I promise I was jumping up and down in joy and I almoust cried but I controled myself.

"Were are we sopposed to go?" I was so excited I just wanted to go somewere around here! The all turned to see me Liam came towards me and smiled.

"Excited much?" I nodded he smirked..

"Don't ask me, ask the shopping expert over there he know every inch of this Mall" Liam pointed at  Lou who was looking at some strange looking store for some goth people "Hot Topic" I think, I entered and saw the clothes, I liked some and some clothes looked for hores but I dont think im buying something here, I even dont have money... I DON'T HAVE MONEY!!!! HOW AM I GOIING  TO DO THIS WITHOUT MONEY!?!?!.

"Hey guys I just remmembered that I dont have any money"

"We know, you told us at the hospital, remmember?"

"Yeah, but why did you bring me here knowing that I don't  have any money?!?!, I think we shoud go" I walked out of the store but then I felt a hand grab mine, I felt warm, I felt satisfaction, I felt......LOVE, something I've never in my life have felt before.

"WAIT don't go!" I was goign to turn around but he pulled me,spined me around and pulled me close to him, and I mean really close, I looked up and saw........

(srry guys I've cheked what I've written so far and I've seen I have misspelled some words so im going to check them ill update soon)

 (*Sara's POV*)

I looked up and saw.......suprisingly I saw.......HARRY!!, I felt really strange knowing only little of him and already getting cocky with each other, so standing close to each other, our noses were punched together and then our eyes met, my blue eyes and his green lovely eyes, we stood there for a while, the other guys couldn't see us because when I was leaving I was walking fast. I could hear footsteps behind us I parted away from Harry as soon as possible, I don't want any missunderstandings or any games. Harry heard the footsteps too, cause in the momment I prated away from him he took some steps back so that it wouldn't be obvious or they get the wrong message and right know I don't know if I even got the message, I don't know if he likes me, if I like him or anything right now in confussed im really really confussed. 

Living with Them (A One Direction fan fiction) *FINISHED*Where stories live. Discover now