Chapter 3: Moving in!

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(*Sara's POV*) 

The five of the "boys" are quite cute themselves "Well Hazza, Boo Bear, just Liam and Zayn, im Sara, im sure Niall allready told you guys about me and how I look cute when I blush" I said teasingly looking at Niall as he started to turn red again, I sarted to giggle once more "I like this girl allready" said Boo- I mean Louis while he was laughing. "Well Sara how is it that you dont know us?" asked Liam, I think in that moment I blushed "Niall you're right, she does look cute when she blushes" Hazza was looking at me cocky witch made me feel uncomfortable "Whoa! Hazza, slow down" I exclamed with a even cockier face but then I laughed, Harry blushed so now I've made two famous people blush, IM ON FIRE!. I made a superior face. "And..?" asked Liam again, "And what" I stared at him puzzeled "And, how you don't know us, love?" , "Oh, well as I am a only child and my parents hate me they decided to homeschool me, then again they hate me so they got a teacher to homeschool and that's how I could't hear about you and another reason, my parents are to cheep to buy me a laptop or a iPod or something that can conect to the internet" they all started to stare at each other "You know we have to tell your parents about this babe" Louis said as he walked towards my bed, my eyes watered and a tear runned down to my cheek "No please I beg of you dont contac my parents for anything!! they're why im this hurt!!!!"

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(*Sara's POV*)

I stood there with my hand covering my mouth, "What?!" Niall turned around to see me, I didn't move "I already said  that they hate me, they like to hit, punch and kick me, that's why I ran away from my house, I was running not looking were I was going then I ran into Niall, and when I fell on the ground  I felt my ribs and every inch of my body crack" as I was telling them I felt tears run down my cheek, and a warm hand in mine, I looked up to see that it was Liam, "Im sorry to hear that, I bet there's some one out there that cares about you" he winked at me I blushed, "Actually, they're not my real parents they adopted me my real family died some years ago every one, my mum, my dad, my uncle, my aunt, every one, or that's what they told me" my voice craked I started to cry even more, Liam hugged me I looked up and  smiled at him as he put his arms around me, I burried my head in his chest, this was very comforting.

(*Liam's POV*)

I really felt sorry for Sara, she desereves more, she is so sweet and kind and very beautiful her long  hair is like mine, her bright blue eyes, im a sucker for girls with colored eyes, and these bright blue eyes kill me everytime she looks at me. "Let's make a deal, we have this month off, so how about you move in with us and by the end of the month you tell us if you want to stay or not" Sara nodded "Is it ok?", "Sure, but I don't have nothing to wear except what I had on a few minutes earlier and I don't have any money" I shook my head in agreement, "We will take care of that" Lou winked at Sara, "What is it with you guys and winking!?!" we laughed and winked at the  same time, just for fun and we made Sara laugh too. "Guys, were going shopping!" Lou busrted out jumping up and down in happines. "Well what are we waiting for?!?", "Slow your horses Lou, we have to wait for Sara to be ready", "Fine", in that moment Sara came out of the restroom changed and all.

(*Niall's POV*)

Sara came out looking quite nice "Well?", "Now we can go Lou" Sara giggled I tunerd around in her direction, "What's so funny?", "Liam's like Lou's father, it's kind of funny" I shook me head in agreement and chukled. Then came Lee close to us and he offered his hand to Sara, Sara took his hand and giggled then blushed.

(*Liam's POV*)

I offered my hand to Sara and I noticed her blushing, I pulled her close to me "You'd like beeing with us" I pulled her away and winked at her and she laughed.

(*Sara's POV*)

We arrived at their house "You like it?", "Harry.... I LOVE IT!!" he laughed then I heard Louis "SHOT GUN!!" I laughed as I saw Harry, Zayn, Niall and Louis run to the house, I turned around to see Liam shaking his head. We came in the house and I wondered around, "You guys have a very nice house", "It's yours too you know", "Yeah now that you moved in with us it's your house too". I can't beleive I live here now, "Wait till you see your room" Zayn said winking, again with the winks, I just laughed when I saw him winking. "Well then let's show her, her room then", we all runned up stairs  "Here's your room, love", "Really?", "Yep, that's all yours" oh my god I cant breathe right now I feel so lucky meeting Niall and the guys, moving in here and then were going shoping, witch I've never did before, that reminded me, "I've wanted to ask....what's shopping?" they all looked at me surprised, "You've never been shopping before?!",..... "" , "Ok this is so wierd, but your'e lucky cause we all love shopping", "Well Lou I guess I am lucky" I giggled and Lou laughed. 

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