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Yoongi's POV:

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Yoongi's POV:

Seeing the graves of my late parents with their names carved on the gravestones...

...just made my chest clenched with a bit of pain as the memories of them instantly flooding my mind.

"Mom... Dad..." I whispered as I placed each of the roses in front of the gravestones. "I'm here..."

"I know I haven't visited in a while, but...

...I already promised that I'll visit every September so I'm here..." I gently caressed the name carved on my mother's grave.

...my eyes clouding with tears.

"Some things happened while I'm away, just want you two to know that I found a job as a waiter but not a solid one, just enough to keep me at bay besides doing photography.

I know that I need to do better, get a real job so that...

...so that I don't have to suffer to way you two did before....

I will do my best, I promise." I whispered as I'm wiping the tears rolling down my cheeks.

"And I just want to let you guys know, I've moved from my last apartment.

I found one near the studio I use to make music...

...and my new roommate's actually a woman..." I let out a light sob before chuckling silently.

"...She's a good roommate and she loves to eat, she nags a lot...

...and she's quite a good cook but not as good as you, mom" I heaved a long breath before I glanced at my father's grave next to mother's

"Dad... I hope you found peace... You're next to mom now and I hope you will never be lonely again... " I said as I stood up slowly.

"I'll take my leave now; I will visit again soon..." I said before bowing my head down.

"I love you both... Always have, always will..."

"You alright?" Junhoe asked as soon as I got into his car

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"You alright?" Junhoe asked as soon as I got into his car.

"Yeah, I'm alright" I answered as he patted my shoulder before he cut his engine on. "Where do you want to go now first? Breakfast?"

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