(start play lagu dkat atas👆) Beberape hari kemudian, Sir Kim pon dibenarknpulang... Dan, Yookiemembuat surprise untuknye...
Sir Kim P.O.V Sir Kim : kejap... (bukakpintu) sweetie, awk dtang dkat spe?? Yookie : surprise!! Sye dtang sorang la... Asl, awk nk sye bawak spe?? (smirk) Sir Kim : asl smirk pulak nie?? Masuk la... (pimpin tnganYookie dan tutuppintu) Yookie : Dear, (duduk dkat sofa) bosan la... Tak nk pegi mne ke? Sir Kim : (bawak air) bosan?? Jumpe sye pon bosan ke?? (betulkn rmbut Yookie) awk nk pegi mne?? Yookie : pegi date la... Takkn nk duduk rumah je?? Pegi pantai ke, pulau ke?? Sir Kim : ha, ape kata kite pegi date dkat pantai?? Before that, jom tolong sye masak... Yookie : masak?? Tak nk...(buat mukecomel) Dear je la masak... Sir Kim : sweetie, nk keluar date ke tak nk?? Kalau nk, tolong Dear masak... (pegangtnganYookie) Yookie : yela...
Yookie dan Sir Kim terus ke dapur... Sir Kim merenungYookie yg sedang focus memotong bahan-bahan... Yookie : dh knapetenung sye?? Malu la... Sir Kim : I think I fell in love more than before... Awk nk kahwin dngan sye tak??
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Yookie : (blushing) Yah!!! Asl propose tak sweet??? Dh la malas nk tolong awk masak... (inginberedar) Sir Kim : (menariktnganYookie) Yookie... Sye tahu sye tua dri awk, and Appa takkn terima sye... Tpy, sye janji sye akn jge awk sme mcm mne sye jge diri sye... Yookie : sye okey je tpy sye kne fikirjugak parents sye jugak... Not all things we can decides alone... Sir Kim : (memelukYookie) I know it's hard for us, but awk kne tau yg sye selalubelakang awk... (cium rmbut Yookie) sekarang, sye kemas dulu,awk duduk dpan... Yookie : (cucuklesungpipi Sir Kim) my handsome man... Sir Kim : my beautiful love... Dh pegi dpan... End Sir Kim P.O.V
Sementaraitu, Daniel dan Dyana keluar date berdua dkat MC Donald... Dyana P.O.V Dyana : Daniel, I'm worry about my Appa... Daniel : what's happened with your Appa?? Dyana : You know what my Appa never liked my Unnie relationship with Sir Kim?? And, he's was like planned something that we're not know what's going on... Daniel : aigoo,why you really suspicious dngan your Appa??? Of course la dia risau, sbb Yookie tak pernah bawak Sir Kim jmpe family awk... And, your Appa maybe risau kalau Sir Kim tak boleh jge Unnie awk tu... Dyana : I just want my Unnie happy with her decision... I really hate to see she sad bcus really break my heart... Daniel : I know... So, sekarang kite stop psal Unnie awk... Kite story psal kite... Dyana : psal kite?? Psal ape?? Daniel : spe dh tau psal kite?? Selain Ong?? Dyana : of course Unnie and she's really happy and kite always together... Daniel : senang eh your Unnie bgi green light?? Selalu susah... Dyana : it's because she learned from Sir Kim... Okey, nah... (suap french fries) Daniel : selalukentang nie tak sedap, hari nie sedappulak... Dyana : mengade lak awk nie... Makan cpat, kate nk jalan-jalan... (tertawe) Daniel : okey babe... (tersenyum)