Shopping Spree

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This isn't a request or prompt or anything but a silly idea I had about them arguing over shopping, enjoy!

Any passer-by shopping at GO!Shopping (Creative name, yeah, I know) Super market was glued to a most perculiar sight. It was a normal couple's shopping spree.... sort of. Except the couple in question was pretty infamous for causing trouble and wrecking havoc all over the district.

They were known as Double Black.

Notorious for their masscares across the nation during their missions, yet, outside of work, a normal every day couple.

"Dazai, you shitty bastard!" the redhead yelled furiously at his brunnete partner. "What are all these FREAKING BANDAGES for!"

Laughing wildly as he was chased accross the stalls by his petite hat rack, Dazai sledded down the aisles of the place on the shopping cart.

"Don't be so mad, Chibi, You're only going to get smaller if you yell~"

Skittering around the corner at top speed, only to crash head first into the hat display and flop onto his side, Dazai sank into the cloth and fabric.

"Heeellllppp meeee......~" He cried in manner that could only be called fake. "I'm drowing....."


Just a typical day at the shopping mall in Yokohama.

How was it? Please tell me in the comments section! If you like this chapter in particular, please consider voting! Much appreciated!

Thanks to MisakiYata6 for voting and adding my story to a reading list! Thanks for your support!

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