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I am afraid to say this will not be a one-shot, but... BUT I have written one of those Crack OC Memes. So I'm going to post it on Wattpad, cause why not lol. I hope you have fun with it, and if you do use my template thingy feel free to post the finished product in the comments section or, message it to me! Should I make it a competition for the funniest one? lol   Anyhow, please keep in mind that this is my first attempt at writing one, so I apologise if it's a bit crappy.   

Any suggestions? 

Tell me in the comments!

OC Crack Meme

Choose characters for the numbers before reading the questions. =)











1. So it so happens that (4) has decided to make a love potion for (8). It backfires horribly and (8) falls in love with (1). How does (4) and (1) react? What happens?

2. The spell has been broken! But now goblins and gremlins are running around the place because of the potion they used to free (8)! All the even number characters are there and so is (1). How does this scene unfold?

3. For some odd reason, gnomes appear and try to make (6) their queen/king what happens when the rest of the numbers find out? What are their reactions?

4. Huzzah! A number figures out a plan and attempts to rescue (6)! Who are they and what are their motives? How do they plan to rescue (6)?

5. Oh, no! It seems that number trips and falls while running towards the hoard of gnomes! The Goblins and Gremlins carry them away, they plan to burn them at the stake! Does number escape? Or does their hero rescue them? If so, who is it?

6. Luckily number and their rescuer(if they had one) make it back! They celebrate.Meanwhile, (2) and (10) discover a secret underground palace. It seems to be where the Gnomes are holding (6)! They tell (5) who yells a battle cry and charges in before anyone can react. How does (9) respond?

7. All is well so far when the rest of the gang also charge in after (5). (3) notices a secret passageway and motions for (7) to join them. Does (7) tell the rest of the gang or do they go together with (3)? What is their reaction?

8. Either way, the rest of the group find the path and they are lead by (10). In the distance, they can vaguely hear (6) yelling things at the gnomes. Describe some of the conversations as they travel and what their reactions are.

9. As they reach the entrance, they put their heads together to plan on how to rescue (6). What does each of them suggest? (you don't have to do all their reactions. Just some of their conversation.)

10. As crazy as it sounds, they actually manage to rescue (6)! Everything has gone back to normal and (4) promises not to ever try something like that again. But (2) reveals that they are actually a robot...

What happens next?

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