A day in the life of...

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"Hello, and welcome to... The realists!"

The whole crowd cheered.

"Well, now," the host chuckled. " Let's not get too hyped. Save your cheers for our stars tonight! They are a well known Artist and Musician... drum roll please!!!" His grin widened as the audience whooped with joy and anticipation. " Dazai and Chuuya!!!!!!"

There was a positively deafening amount of fan-girling going on. The noise would have been heard from a fifteen mile radius! All of the fans burst into cheers, some leaned forward to sit on the edge of their seats, others jumped up in excitement.

The spotlight was shone on two handsome figures, matching each other stride for stride. Arms linked and smiles beaming. They practically represented a perfect couple.

" Now, let's watch a short clip of your daily life that we have captured with our SECRET CAMERA!"

"Don't you dare!" Chuuya screamed, his face as red as his hair. "I'll kill you! That took me almost an hour to make!"

"Oh?" The bandaged man's eyebrows raised. "But who will sing all the songs that you compose Chu- Chu?" Nobody apart from me would sing such atrocious songs~"

"DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH MY CAKE!"  A blur of red struck Dazai onto the ground. Tiny fists attempted to pummel the bandaged man to death.

"... What exactly are you two doing?"

Both froze in horror.

It was almost like a tangled heap of limbs morphing back into two humans. An amalgamated , coalesced  shape that suddenly... became HUMAN.

"Mori-san!!!" Chuuya cries out, trying to smooth out his crumpled shirt. "Is there anything you need?"


"Please do not have sex in the studio"

Okay, I know that this update was probably extremely disappointing... But, hey! The holidays are coming so ... maybe update? haha...

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