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Friday, 2:28 p.m

Mabel and I are standing outside of the front gates at E.H. I can tell she is excited but also nervous. I am too, to be honest.

"What do you think it'll be like, DipDop?"

"Not sure" I thought for a moment "I hope my roommate is nice though"

The front gates swing open to reveal a beautiful woman with white wings, a blue dress, pink diamond earrings, and a silver cross necklace. She also has bright blond hair with blue and pink highlights and Neon blue eyes.

"You must be an Angel." I Say. I can tell because she has a halo, wings, and I can feel a protective vibe come from her.

"Indeed young man, I am. And i'm pressuming you must be the Pines twins? Mabel and Mason?"

"Please. Call me Dipper. I don't like being called by my real name." I say, putting my hand on my neck.

"Very well, come, follow me into our beloved High School" the principal turns around and flies slowly away. We follow her. She suddenly stops at a door, floats to the ground and goes in.

"Come on in. This is where you'll get your schedule and room number." She calls out to us from inside. Mabel goes in first, then I follow. Mabel sits and so do I.

"Now, let's get to business." The principal says. "You two have amazing talents. You, in particular have an amazing and useful talent that no one else here has." She gestures towards me.

"My ability to speak with animals? I thought at least one person here could do that." I said, thinking out loud.

"Unfortunately not, Dipper. You are the only one, so whenever something attacks EH it's your job is to help make the creature leaveand help the people attacked by it. Am I understood?"

We both nod even though I don't think Mabel has anything to do with it. Sorry Mabel.

"Good. Now, enough about Dipper. Mabel, you are one of the fastest clothing makers I have ever seen. And I've worked here 45 years!"

Dang. She's real old to be looking that good...

Mabel laughs "Well, I have been making sweaters since I was around 10. I have only started just recently making other types of clothes."

"Trust me, she has clothes, fabric, pencils, sketches, needles, and thread EVERYWHERE!"

The principal laughs. "I would imagine with her type of skills." She hands us our schedules, that's when I notice her name tag. Principal Darling. Hm. I wonder why she never told us her name.

I look at my schedule.

Science, Math, Chorus- Mr. Quiet 07:00 a.m- 10:00 p.m
Break/ Lunch- 3 hours
ELA, Social Studies, Nature- Mrs. Gold 1:00 p.m- 4:00 p.m
Free time- rest of the day. Remember: No going outside unless an emergency or a school planned event.

What are we? Children? Really? A school planned event? I'm 16 for goodness sake! Give me a break and let me go outside!

Whatever. At least Mabel looks happy with hers.

"Here are you room numbers and the name/s of your roommate/s" she hands us a price of paper with the information on it. "Any questions?"

Mabel and I look at each other, and then back at Principal Darling.

"Not really." We both say.

"Good. Remember, girls dorms are on the left, boys dorms are on the right. Classes start on Monday so you can rome the rooms and hallways until then." She shows us out the door and then slams the door shut.

"You wanna meet up later?" Mabel asks

"Sure, anyways see ya laterz. I'm gonna go to the car and bring my stuff to my room"

"K bro. I'm just gonna go meet my roommates then I'll go get my stuff. I'll text ya later!" She then runs off.

I go and grab my things and head to my dorm. 613.

I go inside and start to set up my things on the left side.

---1 hour time skip---

I finally finish unpacking my things when I hear a knock on the door. That must be my roommate.

I go and answer the door. (Before you even think about it. No, its not Bill. I won't let him be shown THAT easy. Pft. You wish) I see a tall guy. Brown hair with red highlights, tan cargo shorts, a black shirt, brown shoes, and green eyes. Weird.

"Y-you must be my roommate. Come on in." I show him in and he unpacks his things neatly on the right side of the room. Once he's done he sits across from me at our table.

"I'm Brayden. Its really cool to meet you, dude." He holds out his hand for me to shake, so I do, hesitating a little bit. I'm still shy...

"M-Mason, but please call me Dipper. W-Whats your talent?"

"Baking!" He says excitedly what's yours?"

"W-well, I guess you could say I'm special, even if I don't like being called that. I have two talents. I can s-sing and I can speak to animals."

"COOL! Can you sing for me?"

"No, no, no, no, no. I can't. I don't like singing in front of people. I start to get all sweaty and then my face burns all red and then I forget the words. Its terrible."

"Oh, that's too bad. But its ok, I get it. So, you aren't a siren are you?" He asks

"N-no, I'm h-human" I reply

"That's so cool! I'm a dragon, but this is my human form."

"I could tell from all the red and black. P-plus the green eyes."

"Yeah, welp since we're done with the intro's, I'm gonna go make some brownies!" He goes into the kitchen.

This is going to be an interesting experience....

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