Unexpected Visitor

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Dipper's POV:
I wake up and do my normal routine. Today is Saturday so we don't really have any classes. I go out into the living room of my dorm with Braydan and see him cooking something with Bill and Pegasus on the couch, watching 'It'. I don't know how Bill can watch something like that, it's too scary for me to be honest. I walk up to Brayden.

"Hey, whatcha cooking?" I ask. Brayden must not have realized I came into the room cause he dropped some salt on the floor. I whisper a quick, "sorry.." Before getting the broom and sweeping up the mess. After I clean that up I walk over to Bill. He immediately notices me and smiles.

"Heya there, Pinetree." He greets and pats the spot on the other side of himself, telling me to sit down. He looks down at me, laughs lightly, and smirks. "Is that my hoodie you're wearing?" He asks. I turn bright red, and try to explain.

"U-uh, well, Y-Yea... You left it over here yesterday and I was cold so I put it on without thinking. I can give it back if you want me to. Sorry for taking it." I ramble and start to try and take off the hoodie. Bill stops me though. He looks at me with a soft smile.

"Hey, It's ok. I have TONS of hoodies, you can keep that one." He reassures me. I stop trying to take off the hoodie and put my hands in my lap mumbling a tiny, "Thank you." Suddenly he smirks, like he got an Idea, and bends down to my ear.

"Plus, you look cute with it on, Pinetree." He whispers and turns back to the T.V. I blush tomato red, pull the hoodie down over my face, and slink down in my seat  with hands over my face.

"Aye, you gays, lunch is ready!" Brayden calls out. I uncover my face with it turning back to normal and look at Bill confused.

"Lunch? How long was I asleep?" I ask. He shrugs.

"Doesn't matter. It's the weekend anyways, so let's go and eat already!" The stands up and drags me to the table, Pegasus following close behind us. We sit down and Brayden brings the food over to us.

"Chicken Nuggets and fries for my two, lovely customers" Brayden jokes and sets the food down. Bill and I laugh and try the food. Brayden stands in front of us, smiling.

"So? How is it?" Brayden asks.

"Amazing as always, Brayden!" I exclaim and smile at him.

Bill nods in agreement and says, "You really should have some of it, you need to eat too, ya know." Brayden nods and gets himself some food. A few minutes pass and we're all sitting on the couch. Suddenly, A question pops into my head.

"Hey Brayden?" I say. Brayden nods to show he's listening. "Do you know what the others are planning? They won't tell us." I ask him. He shakes his head.

"Nope. I don't know anything, and if they won't tell you, then they probably wouldn't tell me either." Brayden says in response. I nod and start to think of the possibilities of what they could be planning.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~7:00 p.m~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Bill, and I have been hanging out all day, like yesterday. Brayden had to go somewhere around 3 and hasn't come back yet. I wonder what he's doing...

Bill and Pegasus are laying upside down on the bed while I sit on the floor. Bill and I are joking around when I hear Dash call for Pegasus. Pegasus runs out the room and I shrug it off, continuing to talk to Bill. A few moments later, Pegasus and Dash come running into the room. They both start telling me that Will and Mabel are in danger and we need to go help them. I tell Bill and we both start chasing after one of the pets. Dash leads Bill one way, While Pegasus leads me another.

"What kind of trouble is it Pegasus?" I ask the wolf.

"Woof! Bark Bark!" She responds. She said it was really bad...that isn't good, I supose.

Pegasus leads me out where the garden is. Since its about 8 now, the sun is setting, it's so pretty. Anyways, Pegasus stops a couple of yards away from a table. Bill is the same length away, just on the opposite side. There are two Chairs covered in white cloth and the third...well, its covered in Red. And in that chair, was the one and Only Amanda. The girl who thought I was trying to steal her popularity title for best singer. Ugh.

"Well, well, well, Look what we have here." Amanda sneers. She smiles and looks at both of us. "Sit down, would you?" She says and snaps her fingers.

~~~~~~~~FlashBack to a week ago~~~~~~~~

Daniel's POV:

"You want me to do what now?" I ask Amanda. This Bitch use to be my 'friend' but only cause I was good at dancing and I was strong enough to be a body gaurd. Tch.

"I said.." She says rolling her eyes. "I want you to help me get rid of Dipper." I stare at her for a few seconds and then burst out in laughter.

"Me? Help you? That's hilarious" I say while catching my breath and wiping a fake tear from my eye. I look at her with a serious face. "Seriously Amanda, I'm not helping you. You treat me and the others like shit." I tell her and turn to walk away.

"Oh, but, my plan involved you getting with Dipper, Dear." She says enticingly. I stop and turn around.

"What?" I ask. She walks towards me with a smirk on her face.

"Noah, being the good little spy he is, over heard the Bill Cipher Talking with his Brother about loving Dipper. And then, two days later, he heard Bill and Dipper's friends talking about getting them together soon." I look at her quizzically.

"What does that have to do with me being with Dip?" I ask. She walks around me in a circle and whispers.

"We could crash the date, and get you with Dipper." She tells me. I look at her, push her off of me, and frown.

"No fucking way." I say. She plays dumb and frowns.

"But why? I thought you liked Dipper...?" She asks. I stare intensely at her.

"Does Dipper Love Bill?" I say. She furrows her eyebrows.

"What?" She asks.

"Does Dipper. Love. Bill?" I say, and with each word I take a step towards her. She looks at me

"Uh, yeah, but why does that matter?" She tells me with an annoyed tone. I cross my arms.

"Because. It's because of the fact that I like Dipper that I don't wanna do this. He loves Bill, and Bill loves him back. They should be together. I want Dipper to be happy. And if being with me doesn't make him happy, then so be it. I'll get over him." I say and walk away.

I hear Amanda whisper a faint, "You'll regret this" and she snaps her fingers. I feel something be injected into my Neck, and everything goes black.

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