Confrontation Turns into Matchmaking?

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Gemma's POV:
I woke up, got dressed, woke Mabel and Red up, and then went to class. All with the thought in my head of how to talk wirh Dipper without yelling or doing something hostile. He may be my enemy right now, but he's still Mabel's brother, so I can't hurt him, sadly. I sit at my desk, but once class starts I can't seem to concentrate at all, so I don't fight it and just continue to think about Dipper and how to confront him.


At Break
I was looking around for Mabel and Red so we could confront Dipper when I bump into the Dipstick himself.

"Oof- Ohmygod Im so sorry!! Are you ok?" Dipper freaks out after he bumps into me, making me fall. Jeez, it's hard to hate this kid when he's so concerned about everyone...

"Yeah, Im Fine!" I say I get up and Glare at him. I gotta stay on track. Talk to him about Mabel. Talk. Not Yell. I take a deep breath and look at Dipper.

"Gemma? Are you mad at me? What'd I do?" Dipper questioned. I roll my eyes. This kid is somethin else..

"Yeah I am mad. And no, it's not cause you bumped into me." I sigh before continuing "It's about whatever Happened last night between you and Mabel." I say and glare at him. His eyes widened.

"What'd she do after she left? Tell me. Is she ok?" He said sternly. So he does care? But, then why did he do that to her?? I look at him puzzeled and then I shake my head and tell him what happened when she got to the dorm.

"What have I done? Oh gawd I knew I shouldn't have said what I did, but my stupid emotions got the best of me!!" Dipper yelled. He seemed pained, hurt, sad... It was difficult to be mad when he looked so upset over what he did, like he didn't need me to beat him up cause he was doing it to himself.

"I ruined everything again just like I always do!!" He yelled and started to cry. Wait, like he always does? What does that mean? What has he done that was so bad in the past??

"Hey, Hey, it's ok. It's all ok. I'm sure Mabel understands and won't hate you. After all you're her brother, right?" I say and pull him into a comforting hug. I see Mabel and quickly wave her over here. Her eyes widen as she quickly runs and take Dipper in her arms.

"Dipper what happened are you ok? Are you hurt?" Mabel says worried and looks Dipper in the face. Dipper tightly hugs Mabel and cries even harder. All she can do in that moment is relax herslef and hold her guilty brother.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have said what I did! It was completely uncalled for and I shouldn't have said it!! Im so so sorry, Mabel!!" Dipper cries to his slightly older sister as she tries to comfort him.

"Dipper you were right though, even I could admit that now. I just didn't wanna believe that my brother was going through all this pain his entire life and I never noticed.." Mabel says and hugs Dipper tightly as well. "I will try to make it up to you, I'll talk to mom and dad. We'll make it work. Plus.."

She bends down and whispers something in his ear that I can't quite hear, but it had some sort of effect on Dipper cause he started blushing a bright pink colour as he whisper yelled, "Mabel!" And covered his face. Mabel bursts into uncontrollable laughter as Dipper seems Mortified over what he heard her say. Once Mabel stops laughing she kindly smiles at Dipper and starts talking again.

"But seriously, DipDop, I'll try and help you become happier any way that I can!" Dipper greatfully smiles at his sister like he's been waiting for this forever. Bill, Will, and the rest of the gang shows up and asks what happened but we didn't saying anything. After everyone seems preoccupied with talking amongst themselves I pull Mabel back for a second and Red follows.

"Yo Mabel, what'd yoy say to Dipper that made him all red and stuff?" I ask, red seems confused, but that's not important, I'm too curious to care. Mabel smiles evilly.

"I may or may not have mentioned him, ya know, possiblymarryingandorhavingkidswithhiminthefuture." Mabel says looking extremely proud of herself. I can't believe i just heard that.

"Wait, Dipper Likes Bill?" Red whispers to us.

"Uh, yeah, it's like, totally obvious!!" Mabel excitedly says.

"And how is that exactly?" I ask. I was so confused at this point.

"Are you kidding?! Look at the way thwy look at each other! Its totally love!!" Mabel says starry-eyed. "I wish I had someone like Dipper has Bill" Mabel says

"But Mabel, they aren't even Dating!" Red says

"But they will be soon! Come onnnn, let's help them!! Who's ready for some matchmaking magic?" Mabel asks us jumping up and down. We look at her dumbfounded.

"I'll Help!" Shimmer says as she suddenly appears

"Me too!" Will says as he comes out from behind Shimmer.

"Uhh, I guess I'll join?" Red says. And then they all expectantly look at me. I sigh.

"Yeah, yeah whatever, I'll join in on the fun." I say. Everyone laughs and cheers as I just smile. Once everyone calms down Mabel looks behind to see if anyone was listening. Of course, Dipper and Bill were talking with Keyhole, Pacifire, and Pyronica so they hadn't heard anything yet.

"Ok guys, meet here. 4:00 p.m. We got work to do." Mabel says and puts her hand out. "Matchmaking Magic on 3?" She asks. Everyone puts their hand on top of Mabels and starts to count down.

"Matchmaking Magic on 3! Matchmaking Magic on 3! 1, 2, 3, Matchmaking Magic!!" We all whisper-yelled. The bell rings and we all head to class. I know I was looking forward to pummeling Dipper today, but I'm glad it all worked out and I can't wait to help hin and Bill get together. I smile as I run down the hall to my last classes of the day.     

Hey guys! Sorry for not updating in a while! I have been busy over the summer and couldn't get on wattpad much 😅 Sorry again. Also, I'm completely making this up as I go along so if you have any ideas or theories, please, write them in the comments. I hope you enjoyed the chapter and bye for now!

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