Helping Is Better than Not

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-Two weeks later-

Its been two weeks since the first crazy day of school. And let me tell you here first. That wasn't the only one. Every Thursday, Tuesday, and even Saturday, Amanda and another guy in her group try to brake me. It hasn't worked yet and I found out all of the names of the people in her group. The teal guy who kept winking at me is named Daniel. The Girl who helped Zima is Jannet. The guy who helped Zima is Jeff, Daniels brother. The girl who called me Buster is Star, but she thinks that name is too girly for her style so everyone just calls her Fang. And lastly the guy who always helps Amanda is named Noah.

Bill, Will, Pyronica, keyhole, and Pacifire are now all of our friends. Bill flirts with me a bit, but I'm sure that's just his personality...right?

Right now I am in the last hour of Mr. Quiet's class, chorus. Amanda and Noah keep staring me down but I just keep my eyes locked on the teacher.

"Everyone it is the second week of school and right around this time I usually like to start doing projects." He says. I nod. "Today everyone will wright two songs on a piece of paper and put them in this hat. At their end of class, everyone chooses a paper and chooses which song they would like to preform in front of Our class and The other chorus class, Mrs. Sal. In order to completed this you'll need, choreography, costumes, and music" Oh no. I think. What am I going to choose? I hope it's a good song and not rock & roll, romance, or rap. I would suck at those...

I right down the songs "Sad Song" by We The Kings and "Out Loud" by Gabbie Hanna and put them in the hat. When I pass by Daniels desk I faintly feel him touch my hand. I jerk back my hand and quickly walk to my desk. What. Was. That? I shake my head. Whatever, it was nothing. Just don't think anything of it and he will move on to someone else.

----------------time skip to end of class--------------

I pick a piece of paper out of the hat and head to the gym. I'm earlier than usual so none of my friends are here yet. I look at the paper and my face falls. "Sad Song" by Scotty Sire or "Honestly Encore" by Gabbie Hanna. Wow. What a coincidence. I picked the same song name and same artist for me to write down earlier. The problem is that now I have to choose between a rap song and an aggressive song. This isn't going to be good for me. At. All.

"DIPPER!!" I hear some one yell and then run to me. It's Mabel.

"Mabel? What's Wrong?" I frantically ask my twin.

"Outside." She says taking a deep breath. "Theres. An animal. Out. Side. Oh gawd I need to get in better shape."

"What?! Mabel get everyone to the front gate. I'll handle the creature." I tell her. She nods and runs outside to get people away from the creature. I run outside as well and look at the creature. Its a Piasa. A winged female like dragon. I approach it and start to hear screaming to the right of me. When I look over there I see Zima and Fang by a tree. Fang looking at Zima with fright and Zima hunched over on one knee. I look at the Piasa and slowly walk over to Zima and Fang.

"What are you doing here?" Fang snaps.

"Helping. Doy." I simply say, picking up Zima.

"We don't need your help." Fang tells me

"Fang. Stop. Yes we do." Zima says. I smile and quickly bring her close to the front gates with Fang behind me.

"Mabel!" I scream out for my sister. She comes and sees Zima. Her eyes widen.

"I'll go get someone. You, stay with her, while you" she points to me "go do your job and get that out of here." She points to the creature.

"Job?" Fang asks

"Long story that we don't have time for." I say and go towatds the Piasa. I see multiple teachers lying on the grass, bruised, and trying to fight the animal.

"Hey! Get away!" A teacher yells at me.

"Why don't you do that! This is my job and I can handle it." I say going towards the creature.

"What are you doing?!?!" Another yells and grabs my arm.

"Silence!" Principal Darling yells. "Let him go."

"Fine." And she let's go. I softly walk up to the Piasa.

"Hey there. I'm sorry they hurt you" I say. It wacks me but I get up.

"Don't worry. I will not let them hurt you and neither will I." I softly say. It calms down a little.

"That's better. Can you calm all the way now?" I ask. It nods and calms down fully as promised and leaves. I collapse on the ground and see Mabel running towards me yelling something that I can't hear. My vision blurs but I know that I'm being loaded into the building. Probably going into the nurses office with Zima. My vision blurs even more and the last thing I see, is three people hunching over me before my vision blackens and I black out.

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