chapter five: i will destroy anime

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Standing in the doorway of Cheap Cheap's cooking class was a small, blonde haired girl in a red and white marching band uniform. She had piercing, frightening neon eyes.

The sight of her filled Parappa with disgust and hatred. She looked exactly like...anime.

"Hellooooo~!" She called out in a high-pitched voice, putting her hands on her hips confidently, "My name is Kokoro Tsurumaki and this is my band, Hello! Happy World!" 

She even SOUNDED like anime!

There was muttering, and a Rin Hoshizora rip-off, a tall purple haired princely looking girl, a nervous-looking blue haired girl, and a pink bear shuffled into the room as Kokoro marched on in. They were also wearing strange marching band uniforms like Kokoro.

"W-What's going on?!" Sunny Funny shouted, getting out of her seat along with the rest of the class in confusion. Except PJ. PJ really didn't care.

"Today, we're gonna be singing a song for you!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!" Kokoro shouted, a big grin on her face.

"Kokoro, we don't have our instruments," The bear said in a weary voice. "Why did you even make us come here if we don't have instruments? Why did I listen to--"

"Darn. Guess you'll have to beatbox your parts then, eh?" Kokoro said.

"WHO ARE YOU STRANGE ANIME GIRLS AND. WHY ARE YOU IN. MY. COO.KING CLASS," Cheap Cheap asked in a very stern and threatening manner, taking out a sharp butcher's knife from her bright red apron. 

"S-She ha...she has a knife!!" The blue haired girl shrieked in a high-pitched and shaky voice, clinging to the bear mascot's arm.

"Kanon, don't worry, let's just get out of here," The bear said, starting to walk out, until--


"Y-You got my name right?!" The bear stammered in surprise.

"Hi, Michelle," Kokoro said, her face completely back to its normal happy, crackheaded smile.

"who the actual livign HELL is thssi.......?/?//????" papraprappap said

PJ Berri snored at his desk. This was boring and confusing. He really didn't care.

"We are Hello! Happy World! We're here to perform a live show for all of you to put smiles on your faces!" The orange haired Rin rip-off said in an annoyingly high-pitched voice, unlike Rin Hoshizora. 

"DON;T MAKE ME CALL THE PRINCIPAL ON YOU KIDS!!!!!!!!!!!" cheap cehap yelled, quciky sharpening the knife on a Bavarian Edge knife sharpener.

"No amount of power can contain our fleeting abilities..." The purple haired girl said, pushing her ponytail off her shoulder. "Once we perform, you will witness how simply breathtaking our musical skill is..."

"THIS IS NOT A MUSICAL LIVE SHOW CLASS THIS IS A COOKING CLASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" cheap cheap screamed

"WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" pap rap dog butted in, "IF THIS IS... MUSCIAL CLASS.......I WILL RAP!!!! WITH YOU ANIME GILRLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"How fleeting..." Purple girl said.

"Woah! A singing dog!" Kokoro gasped, "Hi talking dog! My name is Kokoro, this is Hagumi," She pointed to orange Rin rip-off, "This is Kaoru," She pointed to fleeting girl, "This is Kanon," She pointed to blue haired girl, "And this is Michelle!" She finished, pointing to the pink bear.

"This is ridiculous," Michelle mumbled, taking off her bear head, revealing a dark haired and sweaty young lady.

"MICHELLE TOOK OFF HER HEAD!!!!" Hagumi screamed.

"MICHELLE!!!!!!!!!!!!" Kokoro wailed.

"Oh dear...Poor, poor Michelle..." Kaoro cried in anguish, dramatically crumbling to the floor with her hand to her forehead. 

"Hi, M--" Kanon started before she was cut off.

"I don't want my real name to be known in case the police get involved," The girl inside Michelle said, taking Kanon's wrist with her bear suit paw and walking out of the godforsaken school.

"Oh no! Kanon's gone!" Kokoro piped up, quickly recovering from the bear DJ's 'death.'

"AND YOU ARE GOING. TO BE GONE TOO," Cheap Cehap said, rushing at the small anime girl with her twice sharpened butcher's knife. 

"Oh no! Kokoron!" Hagumi cried.

"Fleeting..............................................,,,," Kaoro said, still on the floor.

"this is pretty interesting....dude i never thought i'd ever get to see manslaughter in my entire lifespan....i finalyl.....get to see murder......" parpap said to himself pensively adjusting his hat and saluting to the 'MERICAN flag on the wall

"Parappa, do something!" Sunny Funny wailed in distress.

pap said "no"

"You've got to!" 

"no" prapap said watching as the giant chicken try to stab the anime girl

Quickly and nimbly, like a rabbit, the blonde haired girl managed to swerve and duck her way past the chicken's attacks as papapapapapa and Sunny Funny bickered.

"PARAPPA!!! IF YOU DON'T DO SOMETHING, I'M GONNA--" Katy Kat said, marching over to Parappa, fists raised angrily, ready for a beat down.

"D-Don't..!" Lammy whined from the back of the room.

"fine. will hlep." paprap said, walking up to cheap cheap and kokoro. "stop that now"

"NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!BITCH!" Cheap cheap said, swinging wildly at Kokoro's arm but missing as Kokoro ducked and scuttled across the floor, under a desk, like a crab.

"A-AAAAHHH!" A student at the table screamed, "S-SHE'S UNDER MY DESK..!" 

The three other students at the desk and the screaming student ran off to a corner of the room.

Kokoro hissed like a cat.

"GO KOKORON!" Hagumi said unhelpfully just standing there like a stupid idiot.

paprapdog walked over to a counter by the wall and picked up a rollign pin from it. there were other tools used in cooking like a cheese grater and other stuff on it but he chose the rolignl pin....

"GET OUT!!FROM DESK!!!!!STUPID ANIME" cheap chick spoke.


"stop fight" pap 

"I MUST!! KILL. ANIME" chicken said, throwing the table across the room and grabbing kokorrk by the wrist

korko tried biting chicken's wing, but chicke swung the knife at korok's neck, making kokoro wince and jerk her head away.

"TIME FOR. JAIL" Cheap said

"K-KOKORON..!" Hagumi cried out in distress.

"Fleet..." Kaoro said, still mourning the bear mascot, Michelle.

Chepa cheap carried Kokoro by the wrist, like a hunter carriyng a fresh kill, and marched down the hallway as Kokoro growled like a bear. Or a tiger. Or a lion. Or any big, threatening animal, really. 

Kokoro felt as if she was on death row, and Cheap Cheap the cooking chicken was the executioner about to put her in the gallows.

"what now" parappa asked blankyl.

"I-I....I have n-no clue..." Lammy stammered, rubbing her nosebridge, as if that would get rid of her now pounding headache.

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