Chapter 1

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"Drew, go get that side and I'll get this side over here! Hurry, before Selena leaves the club." I shouted to my partner at the moment.

Drew gave me a thumbs up and ran to the back door.

I went through the front door and left my huge Nikon automatic camera right outside the front door, when a motion comes in, it'll take pictures easy as that.

I put my small pocket camera in the palms of my hands as I showed the bouncer my ID and he simply let me in. I put some shades on, time to get this party started.

It was a rave, people here and there. I went to the bar and looked around. "Would you look at that? Selena Gomez actually with Justin Bieber in here. Their disguises don't fool me." The guy working at the bar said.

"You see them too?" I turned around asking the guy.

"Of course, Justin wears that pant skirt or whatever shit and Selena usually comes in hooded with some shades on. I'm Jake."

"Camila." I said as I turned around and saw Selena all up on Justin.

"If you ever need a drink, it's on me." Jake said as I nodded kicking off the counter and making my way closer to the pair.

"Selena! How does it feel to be back with Justin?" I asked as Selena turned around with Justin, eyes wide as she took her shades off and in time, my camera flashed.


"This, this is why I call you one of the bests I've ever hired! Amazing, you caught Jelena together. Just amazing." My boss, Steve, said as he threw down the pictures on his desk with a chuckle.

"That's what I do." I smirked at him.

"Your next objective, you've heard of the huge girl group, Fourth Pulse, right? We want the scoop on who they're hanging out with and all that. They'll be at the Pier in San Francisco in two days for a concert. They'll be staying there for two days to shop around, I want you to go scoop that out. We're trying to go big with this group. That's all I want you to do right now until I give you another thing to do with Fourth Pulse. Okay?"

"Is there a partner already picked out for me?" I asked him.

"We have George coming with you, We know-" I cut him off with a groan.

"Look, I know he's new and all but he needs to see the best do it to know how he should do it. Here are your plane tickets, money for cabs and stuff, and where your hotel is. Fourth Pulse is also staying where you're at." Steve said as he pushed me a huge manila envelope as I grasped it.

"I'm leaving tonight?" I asked as I looked at the plane tickets.

"You and George are. Rumor has it that 5SOS are there early and apparently after shows end, they bring girls into their buses. Check that our, there are also tickets for their show in the envelope. Now go get packing!" Steve shooed and I sighed, agreeing. I got up and went over to George's momentarily cubicle, opening the door.

"We're leaving on a plane to San Francisco tonight. Get your stuff packed and hurry." I said hastily as he quickly nodded and got up from his chair.

As soon as we had our stuff packed, we were driven to the airport and barely made it but we still made it. We boarded our planes and took our seats as George looked at me.

"What?" I looked at him.

"Who are we looking at? By the way, you are beautiful." George said as a smile came on his lips.

"Don't flirt with me, I'm not even into boys. We're looking at 5SOS and Fourth Pulse."

"Who said I was into girls like that? And that's cool, we're doing some hot groups." He smirked as I smiled.

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