The "Normal" Field Trip

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This was suggested by Sarabear9336 Shout-out to you. :)) (Also I'm using the old Flash not the one from the Homecoming movie, the actual bully one)

'Peter's thoughts' (Peter's internal thoughts)

Peter was having a pretty bad day so far. He accidentally broke his alarm, and was late to school. Bombed his spanish test, and Flash seemed to pick on him more than usual today. Then after all that, his Parker Luck (Tm) striked again with his Chemistry class going on a field trip to Stark Industries.

Ned sat next to him practically vibrating from the excitement, while Peter was trying as hard as he could to mold himself into the chair. "Hey Penis! Why do you look so glum? Are you afraid that everyone's gonna find out about your fake internship?" 'Shiiiiiiiiiiittake. (I'm hanging out with Cap too much.) Tony and the Avengers are so gonna kill Flash. How the hell am I gonna hide this from them?' Peter simply sighed and ignored Flash as usual, ticking him off. The trip was next week and Peter couldn't miss anymore school trips. Walking out of class he was shoved against the lockers by none other than Flash. Already being slightly annoyed by the following events of the day, Peter used just a little bit of his Spidey Strength and shoved Flash off. "I'm really not in the mood for this today." "Think you can push me around Little Penis?!" 'This is not going to end well' instead good luck struck and a teacher passed by the almost a fight now. "Hey! You better not be starting a fight here! Come on everyone get going!" Peter released his breath that he didn't realize he was holding.

_______line breaker RETURNS!!!!________

"I'm home!" Peter shouts as throwing his bag onto his bed. He tries to convince May to not let him go but she still forces him to go telling him he shouldn't skip on anymore school trips. Peter sighs and does his homework, hoping that tomorrow comes slow.

_______(these line breakers are just to bring the word count up lol)________

Unfortunately tomorrow came faster than Peter's liking. "Alright! Everybody hop on the bus, don't forget your lunches and your worksheets! You need those!" Peter's teacher announces. Everyone files onto the bus and Peter and Ned sit in the back the whole time talking about different projects going on at S.I. in a hushed voice. Pulling up to the tower that towers over them (I'm so cringe) the students excitedly rush inside everyone receives a card except Peter and Ned because they already have cards with them. This did not go unnoticed by Flash, "Miss Tour Guide, how come pen-Peter didn't get a pass?" "Well I have a name it's Ms. Kelly as I mentioned earlier, and Peter doesn't need one as he's a personal intern for Mr. Stark." Ms. Kelly answers. Clusters of whispers emerge from the group of excited kids and a glare from Flash to Peter.

_________ (another line breaker do you want to name it?) ________

"Shoot...." Peter realizes something important as they walk through the building. "What? What's wrong?" Ned asks. "FRIDAY probably alerted Mr. Stark that I'm here but I normally go straight to his lab though. He's probably gonna think something's up." Ding! "Speak of the devil." Peter says as he pulls out his phone. "Devil! That's a mean nickname for me." All the kids turn to see the One and Only Tony Stark. "Hey kid why didn't you come to the lab?" "Oh um I'm on a field trip." "Kid! Why didn't you tell me?" "Because I didn't want to bother you guys." "Well the whole team already knows and they are planning to bother you. Hey I tried to stop them but they didn't listen. Prepare yourself." "Ugh thanks. I'll look out for them." As Tony walks away, Flash had to open his big mouth. "Hey Penis! How much did you pay him to know you?" "Dude he's the richest person on the planet-" Peter is interrupted by a certain IronDad who speeds back after hearing what Flash says. "Excuse me young man but did you just cause of me being bought off. As for that matter of fact PETER is one of the brightest and the most potential intern we have. And his name is PETER not Penis." He laces the last word with venom. Flash stood there looking pale the whole time, and well after the fact, after Tony leaves.

Not even 5 minutes pass before Peter sighs again. "Clint's in the vents again. Watch that vent and in 3, 2, 1." As soon as Peter says 1 Clint jumps down. Peter ducks behind Ned. But it doesn't escapes the archer's sharp eyes, "PETEY. How are you, ya little bug?" "G-Good Clint." Clint looked around him in the place they were currently in, "Oh! this the 1st museum. It's basically the first generation of everything, like Cap's first shield, Tony's first suit, my first bow, Spider Man's first suit and web shoote-" "Did you say Spider Man's first suit?" Ned nearly shouts from excitement. "Yeah it's over there. Well Pete I gotta go, don't forget you have that huge project with Tony, so don't be late again."

After that point all the avengers ran into Peter's class on "accident" or they were tricked into coming downstairs *cough cough Capsicle cough cough*. The only person who didn't run into the class, instead Peter's class ran into them was Bruce working in the labs. "Hey Pete. Could you get Ned over here for a minute? I'm running on coffee and 4 hours of sleep, just wanna make sure the coding is right." After a few minutes of contemplating Ned assured Dr. Bruce that the coding was perfect, "You did a good job Bruce now go get some sleep. You look dead." "Pete I feel dead, don't worry I'll just submit this and call it a night.... day..... whatever." Flash has had enough at this point, "WHAT THE HELL HOW DOES PENIS PARKER AND HIS NERDY FRIEND KNOW THE AVENGERS?! THERE'S NO WAY SOMEONE AS UNIMPORTANT AS HIM COULD EVEN HAV AN INTERNSHIP HERE!!!" Big mistake. Bruce cared about Peter and his friend very much, and they cared about him too. "What. Did. You. Just. Say. Kid?" Bruce turned around clearly trying not to get mad. "SHIT. NONONONONONO. Bruce it's nothing, I'll have Nat deal with him, don't get mad just go relax, and SLEEP." ".... FRIDAY get Nat down here" "Yes sir, I have already alerted her and she is in the elevator." "BRUCE" Peter whined. "Sorry Pete, but I know that if I just left it to you, you wouldn't get her involved." Peter was screwed, actually scratch that, Flash was screwed. Bruce was right he wouldn't get Nat involved, and he didn't even let the group proced until Nat got there so he could leave. "Ok kids, stay inside of the lines and wander around the lab as you like. Peter, Flash, and Mr. Harrison, I need to talk to you." 'Shit....' "I got FRIDAY to inform me of the situation, and apparently Flash has been name calling and pushing Peter around this whole trip, and you haven't done anything about it?" Mr. Harrison and Flash's face were both pale, she turned to Peter, "How long has this been going on?" Peter couldn't lie to Nat, she would squeeze the truth out of him either ways, "Since freshman year." Peter hung his head. "WHAT?! How come the school board has not done anything at all?!" Flash being, well Flash decide this was a good time to bring up the fact that the school board "had his back". "Well my parents are the main funder of the school so they can't do anything, which means you can't either." 'dum, stupid, Flash just signed his death warrant. Jesus Christ.'

After calling all the Avengers down, they crowd around Peter and began roasting Flash , and explaining to that if they every hear about Peter getting bullied and the school doing nothing about it (or any kid for that matter of fact) they'll report this to the school board and make sure a punishment is delivered. Poor poor Peter stood there the whole time awkwardly and lucky Bruce missed out on it all while sleeping. The trip ended unusually normal, and the next week at school (thank god the trip was on a Friday) kids began kissing up to Peter, after finding out his internship WAS real (like he told them all along) but the fame thank god eventually died down.

Sorry for taking forever to write this. I have 2 great plans for the next one-shots but they won't last long send in requests and know that I will update once between Monday-Sunday (if you are confused like one time every week but not on a select weekday. Each week the 7 days resets so I could update Monday on week and the next on a Friday) also I accidentally went 500 words over cause I didn't want to split this into 2 parts.

Word count: 1520

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