Baseball by @rachael1w

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This was made by rachael1w
Enjoy 😊

Peter gets in the schools baseball team

Peter was all ways good at baseball. He would play with his dad all the time. In fact, most of his memories of his dad was playing bases ball together, going to see the Yankees, but he never tried out for the team because he never played with out Ben or his dad.

But now he was at the Baseball Diamond trying out for one of the two open positions left: field and pitcher, he was going for left field.

The first thing the did was pop flys. Peter was great at this thanks to his spidy sense that told him where the ball was going to land, so he would just put his glove at the spot. He got the most, but missed one. After that they did some batting, and he got about half of the them to the outfield. Then he got to wait to see if he got on the team and wait for the Coaches to make the discussion of who is going to be in the team.

Peter thought it would be fun to play with normal people because some times the Avengers would play different sports. It was great everyone would be in their suits, and one time Steve hit the ball so hard that when the pitcher who was Peter court the ball it got stuck in the glove so Peter took the glove off and chucked the glove with the ball in it to first to make a double play.

Now the coaches had everyone who tried out stand in a line so they could call who was going to be on the team. Like a lot of things, Peter did not pay attention to who got what position till his name was called.

"Left, Parker"


It was there second game of the season against the Lakeville Eagles, who has undefeated for the past five years. In the first inning, Midtown's pitcher twisted his ankle sliding into home so he couldn't pitch, and since it was a away game they had been up to bat first, Flash who was the sub for the pitcher and let's just say he had more then a few walks.

Peter was up to bat, the pitcher threw a fast ball, Peter knew he could hit a home run for sure but when he hit, he hit that ball hard a straight for short stop. Short caught it but dropped it with a yell. Peter did not bother to look at what was happening with short so he kept running till he made it to 3rd which have the other team enough time to try to make a play.

When Peter was on base, he could hear one of the Coaches telling Flash that he would be sitting this one out.

"But Coach he is a left fielder not a Pitcher" Flash widened to the coach

"Sorry but I got a feeling that he will do a good job." The Coach replied "Beside who else do you know who can catch a ball in left filed, then throw it to first and get 2 outs, trust me. I got a feeling about him."

Then with a familiar crack Peter runs home. When he walked into the dug out where he was meet by a mad Flash and Coach Paddock. "How do you like the sound of you being the pitcher?" Paddock asked, as if he was going to sell a car.

"Ok, but I have never pitched before." He doesn't think playing with the Avengers counted.

"Just like playing catch." Paddock said while wrapping his arm around Peter leading him to behind the dig out to warm up.

After 3 outs it was time to either,
1) though the ball, like he dose when Bucky in catcher (that has a Metal arm), and probably breaking the catchers hand
2) though like crap and get subbed in, or
3) though normal, but with a little spice to it.

Peter picked 3. Now there was someone batting. Peter wound up and released the ball, and heard a thud of the ball hitting a glove, also Logan cussing under his breath.

Two pitches later the batter was out. Six more pitches later there was two more outs. Now midtown was up to bat. Logan was up to bat first he got walked. Then it was flash he got a double with two strikes. Next was Alex who always wait till he had two strikes before hitting, he got a single. Making the bases loaded with peter up to bat.

Peter would bat left handed so the ball would go to left field where the worst people in the field would be. Peter watched for the ball to came into the struck zone and when it did, Peter hit the ball to the end of left field. He rounded first and second and third. He was running home when the catcher caught the ball. Peter did not have a force out home so the catcher couldn't get him out unless he tagged Peter the same for the third basemen.

Peter turned around to go to third but The catcher threw the ball to third, so Peter had to turn around and the same thing happened. He was in a rundown.

This team was good and was not making a mistake in the rundown and Peter hated to run. He also couldn't do anything too impressive so when he was running to home getting chased by the guy by third. Peter ran then dropped to slide into home right through the legs of what Peter thought was the pitcher but he could be wrong, then Peter got up and ran for home. Getting a home run.

Everyone was freaking out either from peter making a run from their team or the other team yelling at each other for letting him. When Peter made it to the dugout he was met by the team hitting the top of his helmet.

"Dude you slid though his legs!"

"That was so awesome!"

"Did you see their faces?!"

"That was coolest thing I have ever saw!"

Then something coughed Peter's eye well someone, standing by the fence next to May was Tony. He was not his normal clothes that he wear in public but a midtown T-shirt and jeans, with an old faded Yankees hat and a hug smile plastered in his face.

Peter loved to mess with people that was also why he was hitting lefty. His plan was to hit the ball to left field 'till the other team's Coach moved the kids in left field to the right. Then, Peter would switch with them. So he would hit righty so the ball will go to left field and since it was is dominant side he would hit the ball harder.

His plan worked out after Peter hit the ball in left field for the third time he over heard the other Coach telling the outfielders to switch. So Peter switched to.

Peter stepped into the batter box and waited for the ball to come in the strike zone. When the ball come to Peter, barely hit the ball for his standards but for non-superpowered people it has a college level. The better part was listening to the other Coach.

"What the-?! How did he do that!?" Was it bad that this made Peter extremely happy?

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