Peter's GF

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*Peter's POV*




I slammed his hand down on the alarm clock breaking it again. I checked his phone and saw how late I really was.

I was too late for breakfast

Missed the first subway tram thing? (I don't know what they're called I live in FL).

Forgot his chem lab on the counter.

Had a killer headache that I was pretty sure was a sensory overload. When I described it to Mj she said it reminded of her of a girl's period (which I TOTALLY didn't blush).

And by the time I got to first period, my girlfriend, Sara, was sitting next to some hot guy.

I tried to clear his head of thoughts but he was cool, athletic, popular, ..... better than me.


Lunch rolled around and I walked over to my table where Ned, Mj, and Sarah are normally sitting. Except Sara was sitting next to that hot dude from first period. The only thing keeping him going for the day was that I was going to the lab afterwards with Tony to do updates on my suit.

*Ned's POV*

I wish Peter would break up with Sara. She was clearly just leading him on. I told Mj and she totally agreed! We just need to figure out how to tell Peter. Not today though, he's already had a bad day.

*Mj's POV*

Sara is such a slut. She's ogling a new guy every week, but she's made it three months with Peter because he's too nice to her.

Maybe my crush on Peter is getting the better of my judgement, but Ned thinks so too. Besides I don't want Peter to get hurt.

*Peter's POV*


Finally the end of the day!

I should ask Sara out on a date later tonight.

Her locker is in the next hallway, I walk over there and........ watch her shove her tongue down his mouth and them smash lips.

I ask her, "How could you?"

"Did you really think I was in love with you loser?" she laughed in my face

*No one's POV*

The guy she was just kissing laughs with her. "Oh my god, he really thought he got a hot girl like you! You're such a loser Parker, your family hated you so much they killed themselves to get away!" "Babe maybe that's too harsh-" "Why don't you just go kill yourself man?" The guy roared with laughter as Sara was looking a little uncomfortable and guilty. "Man, you're such a lo-" He was cut off my Peter's strange, loud, laughter. Peter slapped a hand down on his shoulder and was laughing way too hard. Peter looked up at the guy and squeezed his shoulder until he was on his knees in the hallway. "Listen twerp, I really didn't feel like getting blood on my hands today. How about you just take the hoe and leave me and my friends alone. ok?" Peter said with a malicious grin on his face. Terrified he replied, "s-s-sure" he grabbed Sara's hand and ran off.

People stared at Peter as he stared at them with a blank yet slightly annoyed expression on his face. He put his hands in his pockets and walked out to Happy who was waiting outside.


Peter got to the tower after avery silent and concerning car ride. He walked up to the lab, hoping everyone would just leave him alone. Why did he do that to that dude? Why did he just snap like that? peter. Why did she cheat on him? Did he mean nothing? Peter. What's gonna happen at school tomorrow? Is everyone gonna act like nothing happened? PETER! Peter looked up and realized Tony's been calling his name for the past 10 minutes. "Oh, sorry, Yeah Tony?" Peter said glancing up to Tony and going back to his project, "As happy as I want to be about the fact that you just called me Tony not Mr.Stark, what's up kid? I have never seen you this distracted." Peter shrugged, "I broke up with my hoe of a girlfri-" "WHOOOAAAHH!! Watch the language! What happened?" "I saw her kissing some other dude in front of her locker when I was going to ask her out on a date tonight for our 4 month anniversary. I snapped when he told me I was all alone and should go kill myself." "You!? You snapped?! I don't believe it, what did you do?" Tony was just edging the kid on at this point because Peter has never talked about his troubles like this, and well.... he's Perfect Peter™️ he doesn't snap! "I grabbed his shoulder and squeezed it till he dropped. Told him to take her and leave me alone. Everyone was staring as I walked out of the school."
Tony stared Peter, he was probably feeling so upset that he slipped up on his powers, "First off, good for you I never liked her anyways. She didn't even believe your internship and she was always eyeing some other boy. Second, I understand how you must be feeling kid, it'll take a while for your little act to die down, but it will. Third, since you're feeling down and you've done something to me, you have two options. Work on a new update for your suit with me or Star Wars Marathon. Which one?" "tHe sUiT!" Peter said a little too quickly and blushed. Tony chuckled and they got to work. A few hours passed and Tony looked sliver to Peter who was screwing the table with a tiny screw driver and sleeping at the same time. "peter, Peter." Tony said shaking him gently, "Time to go home. Happy is waiting downstairs." Peter sat up groggily and put the screwdriver down. He grabbed his bad and walking out said, "Alright, thanks dad."
Walking out of the lab as the doors closed behind him he realized what he said he froze. "Umm, Friday? Did I really say dad?" "I can confirm you did say dad." Peter groaned, clearly flustered, "Can you delete the footage?" "I cannot, Mr.Stark has already added it to the 'On the Fridge' Protocol. He saves all of his favorite clips of you there." "R-Really? Huh." Peter left happy.

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