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All our school life all we ever want is to get out of that hell hole of a school. But when that moment actually comes and stands in front of you is when you realise how much of a safe haven this place called school was. It is this moment when you actually start cherishing your last hours here. So here we are standing in our glorious sarees  looking all grown up and bidding goodbye to our second home. Farewells are so heartbreaking. Will I ever see these goofs again? I look at my friends and this is it. I can not keep the tears in. They start flowing like a dam just broke. I hug the life out of my friends. Home is not always in a place, between four walls, but is also in people and this place has given me so many homes. I didn't even realise when I got so attached. When these people became so important to me that without them I am not even sure who I actually am. They may probably meet again but I'm going so far away from here, to the other side of the planet in a new world. Western culture has always fascinated everyone in India. In fact some have been so captured by it that they have forgotten their own heritage. And when I'm finally shifting to this oh so wonderful western world all I wanna do is stay here. But Gandhi said change is a constant. So here I am, accepting this change with open arms. Watch out for me, America.

Author's note-
In India high school ends in the 10th grade, ie, when you are fifteen/sixteen and there is a farewell party where boys wear suits and girls wear sarees, the traditional Indian attire. So Mia just finished tenth grade and will start with junior grade in America.
I also assure you that chapter length will increase.
Enjoy reading my lovely readers!

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