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I hum to the song I'm listening to as I walk through the doors of school. It's a Thursday and I feel good. Life is perfect. I have caught up on all my school assignments and dont have any left, I finally finished reading a book and I dont know, there is nothing to be sad about. It's great. It's actually quite mediocre, normal, plain. But sometimes you like that, life just flowing by, humming past your ears. Sometimes you just like to lay and relax and smile softly. Sometimes lack of exciting things is calming, you know? And that's exactly how I feel. I feel content and I don't feel bored in like ages. This is actually quite nice. 

I reach my locker, remove my books, shut it and walk towards my class. As soon as I enter my class, I sit beside a very excited Andrew. I smile at him.

"Sooooo are you going to Cole Bennett's party tomorrow?" he asks excitedly, "cause guess what, this sexy man right here has been invited by Cole Bennett himself" he says with pride.

I squeal, "whattt? how? tell me EVERYTHING!" I say matching his excitement. Cole Bennett is one of those hot, filthy rich football player who has slept with half of the girls in this school. And rumour has it, well let's just say he might be bi. And since this news Andrew has had the biggest crush on him. AHGHSAANJKWQAM. Wooowwww.

Roberto enters and the class falls silent. But obviously we whisper-talk. I mean this is way more important.

So Andrew tells me about how during Gym period he fell and his nose started bleeding cause Cole threw a ball flying forcefully towards him and shockingly, when no one was looking, the Cole Bennett, who apparently never says sorry SAID SORRY TO HIM in that very cute, neck scratching way and invited him to the partttyyyyy wowowowowow adorableee!!

While we are both gushing at this entire story, I let out a loud squeal, for the third time. And now Mr.Robert is giving me a very hard death stare. His nostrils are lowkey flaring. shit. Why am i so loud oh god whyyy. 

"Both of yall, detention!" He basically screams. It sounded a lot like choking tho. But oopsie. Idk how my parents are gonna take this. I thought I would last a month atleast. I've always been a very outstanding child in school, pun intended. I somehow always get into mischief and I'm just so freaking loud. uff.

Mr.Robert gets back to what he was saying and me and Andrew just look at each other and inward squeal. I look at him and wonder, I've always wanted a gay friend. Its just sooo cooollll. From behind, somebody whispers, "what's so exciting?". I turn my head around to look at Will looking partially amused. "Um we were just talking about Cole Bennett's party tomorrow. I'm pretty sure your group of followers have already told you about it" I say. So obviously, I wasnt the only one awestruck by Will. The ENTIRE population from freshmen to seniors to teachers to janitors to every single soul is. And complimentary to his looks is this very gentle personality he has and all his very interesting stories about Scandinavia. AND his accentttt. Hella heart eyes. So naturally, the group of popular pretty blondes bimbos including the cheerleaders are all over him. 

"Oh yes I did. But I wasn't planning to go. Are you'll going?" he says.

"Andrew here is going for sure," I say with a wicked smile, "but I dont think I am" I finish. 

"Say whatttt? You obviously are. You need to be my wingwoman!" He whines.

"I don't know there's this book I really want to finish and plus I'm in a calm and chill mood rather than a partying mood currently" I say.

"Oh but that's right now. You better figure out how to get yourself in the party mood cause you are coming" andrew argues.

"But-" i go to say when he cuts me off saying "eh eh its final". huft. Things you tolerate for friends. 

"Oi and you could come with me too. I wasnt going cause I didn't have proper company. This is perfect!" Will exclaims. Are you kidding me? Will right here has no company. As if. Im about to retort back when Mr.Robert rather dissapointed, says, "Mr. Koch, do you want a detention too?". Will shifts back in his seat and Mr.Robert continues once again. And my chance to reply ends. 

The period ends and i pack my stuff and get up to leave when Will passes by saying "Pick you up at 7 tomorrow" and walks away. What so like I dont have a say in things at all anymore? I let out an annoyed puft and walk outside. Andrew gives me a suggestive look and I slap him on his arm. "shut up!" He rubs his arm while wincing. "Rude. See you at the party tomorrow" he says while winking and walks away fast so I can't say a word. Ill get him in detention.


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