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It's been a great week. For a recap, I made friends. Yes you heard it, I MADE FRIENDS. So I had Georgia, dalia or phoebe in English, Calculus, History, PE and Health. But in French, Business and Art Class, I'm all on my own. So, out of boredom and loneliness, I allowed people to talk to me and made some very sweet friends. I've Sarah and Rebecca from Art class, I've Matt in French and Andrew in Business. Thank God they came ahead and offered to interact with me. Angels. Oh, I also have Aiden in it but after that one day of milkshake incident, we are more on a-smile-and-walk-away basis. But, it's been one hell of a week and it's not all that bad and I yet miss home but I think I've almost made this my home now. And after a week of school, I'm so excited for the next.
Today is a Monday. My alarm rang and after a refreshing sleep, I woke up happy on my first ring and wore a dress and was satisfied with it at once! Then I went down and shared a smile and a hug with my mum and had yum breakfast while reveling in peace. Oh who am I kidding. Everybody hates Mondays. That's your first clue. I woke up grumpy after pressing snooze way too many times and my mum screaming and banging at my door multiple times too. Then I saw the clock and a fat red 7:10 glowed in my face and I woke up with shock, wore the first thing that came in my hands, stuffed a toast in my mouth and rushed outside. I'd taken a liking to walk to school daily for mindspace (could do it only on last thursday really), but as I'm late today, again, I've to take a ride with my brother. AGAIN.
He, for a change is living his high school popularity fest with the utmost happiness. He's already on the soccer team as well as the basketball team and well, he already has a girlfriend. In fact, he got one in summer itself! Tots unfair.
And all this does bad, very bad to his already bigger-than-himself ego.
Anyway coming back to today, I'm currently ready to leave for my business class. So, I close my locker and I turn around in a whirl to be thrusted into hard knots of muscle. Ouch, my shoulders sore now. I quickly, but clumsily, move back mumbling I'm so sorry and look up to be lost in unbelievably blue eyes. It's so bright and reminds me of those pretty beaches and wow I cant look away. And I dont. For god knows how much time. And then I hear those eyes clear their throat. And I'm brought back to reality and so I shut my mouth. Oh shit, my mouth was open too. Screwed. And the blush of embarrassment takes over my entire face.
The blue eyes crinkle at an amused, almost enjoying, smile and I, obviously, blush even more. Oh god, let's dig a hole and die. The blue eyes, I should really ask the owners name, clear their throat again and proceed to let out a honey-dripping, beautiful, deep voice which forms words that fall deaf to my ears. And then the blue eyes crinkle around the eyebrows and give me a funny look. And I'm pulled out of my daze for the second time.
"Sorry, what?" I say,
""Ms.youaresobeautifuligotlost", I was asking you if you know where room 502 is?"
Oops shit. Awkward and humiliating. I wish for instant death.
"Oh 502, for business is it? I'm in that class too!" I say with realization but dumbness. Cant be too smart you know.
"Wonderful" he says, not too pleased I guess. Hawwww. So mean. I mean I'm a total delight.
"Then let's walk together?" He says. I just nod my head rapidly. Again, a weird look from him. I feel so dumb and flustered right now. And my heart is beating so fast. I mean, he is BEAUTUFUL. I take my time to stare at him from the side of my eyes as we make way through the corridor. I mean you saw how I reacted with his eyes and voice. I didnt even observe how his jawline is so perfect and sharp, and his lips are so beautifully carved, and his blondish brown hair, oh my god, the perfect amount of curls I like and it looks so soft. And with that perfect face, he had a perfect body too. All the right curves, and all the muscles bulging in the right places and hes so tallllll. I mean how is he so PERFECT. He's legit the guy I dream of. Like ditto same. Wow. WOW. oh no. Blue eyes are giving funny stare again. Oopsie not again. Color red, you can come back to my face. I clear my throat this time and say the first thing that comes to my mind.
"Um I was wondering how this is the second week of school, and you dont know the routes nor have I seen you in class before" oh that's smart. Not bad my subconcious.
"I'm new. First day."
"Oooooo. Me too. I mean I came in last week" I smile awkwardly while nodding my head. Oh god I look like an idiot. But we already have two things in common *internally sequels while dancing and jumping*
"Oh cool. So we are "newbies" together." He says while making that signature with his hands."I'm Will by the way." He says extending his hand. I shake it while saying "I'm Mia, nice to meet you!"
"I think you loved that you met me. I think it was like your 'dream come true' moment. The impossible happening, dont you think?" He says smiling slyly. Okay true. But how narcissistic! Hate cocky men. Jk. LOVE COCKY MEN OH MY GAWDD this cant get better. But I cant give it to him duh.
"Haha you wish" okay no. But can't take it back🤷‍♀️
He just smiles knowingly and I dont like that. No. Not at all. But, I'm gonna let it slide. Nor can I really do anything about it. And then he says,"You aren't from here, your accents different."
"Yep, I'm from India. Nor do you sound californian. Where are you from?" I say
"Oh right up from New York, tho I've been living in Norway, the Scandinavian region for the last 4 years." He replies.
"Oh wow you are from NEW YORK AND NORWAY!! That's so cooollll" 
"Ya it was great" he says. I nod in agreement. I was gonna ask him about the northern lights but I see our class right up.
"Oh, here we are,"I say, "Welcome to your first class in San Jose High" I say with great pride and a fake british accent.
He chuckles saying "Your accents sucks". I know. Rude.
So anyway, we enter the class and like everybody goes silent. And frozen. And for once, I'm not dumbstruck by that. I can totally understand. I wore an exact same expression just a few mere minutes ago when I saw him too. I think I'm gonna do that for atleast a week. Or more. Anyways, I go ahead and take my place next to Andrew. He whispers in my ear, "who is that out of this world gorgeous hottie you just walked in with?" With an awestruck and love sick look on his face. Oh btw, Andrew's gay. He won't say it, but we all just know it. And he knows that we know.
"His name is Will" I say. "Coincidentally, a name shared with the Will Herondale. Can you believe it?" I almost squeal out loud. We both absolutely love the infernal devices and maybe a bit more cause it introduced me to my forever crush, Will Herondale. What a beautiful boy.
"It's no coincidence, honey" Andrew says. I hope not. Anyway, by now, Will has proceeded to take a seat and I look behind to see that uh oh, he is sitting on Aiden's seat. Shit, in a weeks time, I know that's not good. At all. So I'm about to tell him to not sit there when the teacher walks in and gives me a pointed look. Oh come on, I didn't even open my mouth yet! The timing is so off. I hope Aiden decides to not come today. Please please please. And I cant stop thinking about all the possible things that could happen if he does and if he sees Will sitting on his place and the fact that I experienced that happen with this guy called Tim Burner doenst do me good at all.
In all this, I hear the same voice answer every single question asked and I see a smile growing on Mr. Robert, our teacher's face. Wait his face is capable of that? Wow. I turn around to see that voice is Will. See that's why I found it so wow. To impress Roberto here is impossible. Wow this Will has something in him huh.
It's been 20 minutes since this period started so I dont think Aidens' coming. Thank god.
And, as if my prayers were never heard, there storms in a tornado through the door exactly 20 minutes late. Like really. I take my thank you back. Mean.
cue the same old tale:
Roberto: why are you late?
Will: cause I am?
Roberto: this behavior will not be tolerated
Will: Ya whatev...EXCUSE ME! WHO THE FUCK IS THAT?? He says while glaring at Will.
uh oh. Hes like basically gonna burst now, that's how red he is. 
Roberto: TO THE PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE RIGHT NOW! And then he proceeds to grab Aiden by his arm and yanks him outside to the hallway. And the door shuts with a swing. Wow what was that. I mean nobody has ever been this angry. I think they'd kind of got used to it. This isnt good. Everybody is staring at Will. I look behind and he has a quizzical expression on his face. He mouths "Is everyone crazy here?" And I laugh while shaking my head. I guess everybody really is crazy here, sometimes in a good way, sometimes not. It's already an eventful day.
I know, I know. That was a pathetic ending but I really didnt know how to end this one. I also know I haven't updated in ages. I'm sorry. Also, more importantly, what do you guys think about WILL?????? Tell me all about it in the comments! Have a lovely week

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