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*A week later/first day of school*

I'm screaming. Literally screaming. And I can't tell if it's with excitement or nervousness, cause I feel both. What if I don't mix up well with Georgia's friends or they don't like me or what if I make a mess and lose Georgia too or what if I do something unimaginable and embarrass the shit out of myself and be banished forever or what if I ahhhh stop thinking you stupid brain. Do not over think. I repeat do not over think. It's going to go fine. You won't do or say anything stupid. Yes. No. Who am I kidding I'm gonna say something extremely stupid and fuck up big time. I cannot do it right. Yes you can. No you can't. Yes you can. No you can't. SHUT UP! SHUT UPPPPP!!!

As if on queue my mom comes in my room gently knocking on my door.
"Hey" she greets.
"Hey" I say in a small voice.
"So first day huh. Feeling nervous?" She asks knowing me too well.
I nod my head wildly.
"Come here" she says and hugs me tightly. After freeing me from her embrace she says "It's gonna be alright. You know its hard not to love you na. " she winks" Don't worry much, okay? I've made you waffles! Come down soon." She kisses me on my forehead and leaves the room. Her words reassure me and I keep on repeating them in my head. I'm gonna do just fine. deep breaths.

I then get ready super fast cause I can't wait to eat my delicious waffles and wear my new high-waisted jeans which are ripped near my knees and a peach coloured plain crop top on it which I just bought last week. I also put eyeliner cause I love eyeliner and that's the only makeup I can really apply

It's funny how a black line over my eyes makes me look 10 times prettier. I think it makes me look casual but cute. Just the look i want to go for.

I run down for breakfast and the smell of waffles is in the air. I just love waffles. And my mom knows me too well to make them right when I need them. My dad sits on the coffee table ready to leave any moment. I know he wouldn't leave without seeing me and I'm definitely the reason of his delay.

He looks up as I arrive at the table and wishes me a quick good morning. Then he kisses the top of my head and wishes me luck and leaves in a hurry.

I look at the delicious waffles with extra chocochips and a thick layer of nutella. I jump on them and the plates pulled out of my sight by non other than my extremely annoying brother. Ugh. Only this long till I can avoid his existence. And then I scream MOMMM and she gives him a pointed look and he takes a bite and says whatever and gives it back to me. Ew. Ew. Ew. His saliva is on my waffles. Ew. God I hope I don't get some virus or something. Anyways, I close my eyes and wobble them down in like 5 minutes. Yummm. Pure bliss.

Georgia said that I could hitch a ride with her and I agreed cause it would be better to enter the doors to my new found hell (though I'm hoping it's heaven) with someone like her rather than going with my asshole of a brother. I hope that I like Georgia's friends and they like me too cause I don't think I can make new friends and sitting alone during lunch on my first day itself means social suicide, or at least that's what I've read. And no, i don't wish for two whole years of being made fun of for sitting alone on my first day. Highschool can be pretty cruel. Again, that's what I've read.

I put on my black converse, yell a quick goodbye and step out quickly. I'm welcomed by a refreshing breeze. I inhale the smell of morning and calm my nerves with an exhale.

I look up to see Georgia gesturing me to hurry up. I walk towards her and take her dress in. She is wearing that cute denim skirt we bought on our shopping spree with her cheerleading crop top and high high HIGH heels.

Oh my god I would have fallen face first wearing those. But then again Georgia looks like someone who has had a lot of practice wearing those.

"Ready?" She asks me. I smile at her and nod gently. She smiles back. We sit in her silver Civic and ride to the school.

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