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It's been 3 months since we shifted here back in May, in San Jose, California I lived in India but my dad who is a software engineer landed a good job here in Zymr and here we are! I've had lots of adjusting to do. The time difference is huge and I was sick for the first whole month due to it. Then there's the way I speak, the way my surroundings are now different, it takes time to get used to. I yet don't feel that this is my home. It smells different. I don't hear kids playing and screaming on the playground in front of my house anymore. My room, my bed, the people who made up my home, all are different. Except my parents obviously.
Our neighbourhood here is very pretty though. It's not a ghetto nor is it filled with those grand victorian mansions. It's filled with cute two storey houses with five bedrooms but the best part is everyone has long extensive lawns. However, back in India we lived in a society containing a cluster of buildings. We were like one whole family and celebrated our joys and grievances together. I had lots of friends and we played together everyday. Here, it's different. But atleast I'm lucky enough to have one beautiful human to call a friend. And as the cherry on topping, she happens to be my neighbour and she's my age too! It's like god was nice enough to not leave me all alone.

Her name is Georgia Rose. She lives with her mother Brenda and her father Jeffrey on our left. She also has a younger brother who's in sixth grade. His name is Sam.
On our right lives Mrs. White. Though she forces me to call her Amanda because she's yet only 63. She is an epic woman AND her food is out of this world. Yummm my stomachs already growling.

So yes, coming back to Georgia, it sounds like a bitch name and I being a judgemental person thought so too; but she's our typical golden girl who looks like a Greek Goddess, is the co-captain of the cheer squad and is warm and sweet unlike those bitch ones. We have come to be good friends and she's so excited about me starting school next week.

School. Yes school starts next week. Next weekkkkkk. I can't wait. I'm so excited. I am screaming. But then again me being the socially awkward new kid, I am also terrified as fuck. Thank God I have a friend before I start school and am not a total loner. But ahhhhh I'm so excited.

I've got some time to explore the neighbourhood and Georgia's been helping me with that. I also landed a job at this amazing place called Andy's which sells the yummiest milkshakes. I thought it would help me adapt faster and who wouldn't want more money to waste right?

Today me and Georgia are going for shopping so I can have good enough clothes to wear for school. Okay so I am dying from excitement. Aahhhhhh*Screams*


*shopping spree*

Well somehow, Georgia got my dad convinced that your outfit on your first day makes hella lot of importance and he agreed to give me his credit card. to be honest, in my 15 years of living, I have never been able to convince my dad to let me spend, rephrasing, waste money on clothes. I repeat never. Its like she has some voodoo magic done on him.

Anyways, so here we are, standing in a mall where I haven't even ever heard of half of the stores. All I know is H&M, Gap and F21. But then again you can't really blame me cause I'm from India right.

Anyways so we walk into a random store which Georgia says has really classy but cute clothes. Well what I personally feel is that people with zero modesty buy clothes from here. Forget classy all I really saw were skimpy dresses. But then again, Georgia is a cheerleader so it is kind of expected but I was hoping different.

And this routine continued for like 3 more shops when I decided to ask Georgia to take me to a shop which has clothes she completely distates. Voila! That worked. I finally found clothes which I can actually wear. Even though Georgia didn't completely approve of my choices, we met common ground on some which we then bought with a swipe of my brand new credit card! My dad's really but I'm going to oversee that little detail here.

But yes, we did take like 4 hours of it cause I do want to kind of look good on my first day of school and make some real good friends. And first impressions do matter. And I too tend to look at the clothes and judge so really I do agree this is a big ordeal. Which makes me excited and nervous at the same time. But then if Georgia kind of approves my outfit, I think I'm good.

These 4hrs of shopping have made my legs hurt and stomach grumble. I pull Georgia to the food court. I order pizza, which I kind of always order everywhere and Georgia orders herself a low fat strawberry smoothie. Its low fat but strawberry so I kind of decide to not let my judgmental self make a rude comment.

But I'm shocked that she says nothing when I eat my large pizza like a gorilla hungry for 4 straight months. And I think my face gives that away. Did I tell you my face is very expressive. Guess who would be terrible at poker. She laughs at my expression and proceeds to explain saying "Dalia eats like that too so i've got used to it." Again, I sport the same expression. And then I think she mentally facepalms herself. "right, you don't know her. But you will soon. Once schools starts. You haven't seen her around cause shes been working in Florida the whole summer while living with her grandma, saying she'd rather sell smoothies on the beach looking at hot boys than with these stuck up people. She like hates everyone and is too cool for school you know? You will know her better ya?"

I just nod taking this information about my potential new friend. "she sounds cool" I say.

"she is. Shes a little, okay, very intimidating at the start but youll see that's she isn't really how she portrays herself."

" that's reassuring" I joke.

"ya, lets get going shall we? I'm kind of tired"

Oh how I know.


 I bought so many clothes that I think I need to throw all my old clothes cause I have no space😂.
So here I am doing just that. But some cannot be thrown away. There are so many stories attached to some of my clothes. So many stories. Like my white dress I wore on my first ever annual day*. And I've saved some of my favourite clothes for my children. Don't judge but I really want two cute little children as soon as possible. Like now would be so much more preferable.
I pick up today's Polaroid and put it up on my wall. Ya I have a hobby to capture moments in my little Polaroid camera and put it up on the wall. As I'm doing that, my eyes fall on a picture of me and Sameera, my best friend. All of a sudden I feel this pain in my chest. It's been 3 months since I've seen her in person. And it feels so odd to not see her everyday. I miss her so badly. I feel homesick and lonely without her. And the time difference gives us only a little time to Skype. However, we atleast Skype once in a week preferably on a Saturday or a Sunday as school out there has already started.
I look at my clock. It's 10:30 pm here. So it must be noon out there. Thank God it's a Saturday. I would be damned if she would be busy. So I quickly call her. We chat till its 2 and I can't keep my eyes open anymore. It's good to tell her about my week. I miss home. Correction, I miss my old home. But at the same time I'm also very excited to explore this new world and make unforgettable memories here. hufff. Lets hope I don't end up a total loner now.

Authors note-
I never knew you could use emojis in wattpad wtf!
Okay so just to clarify again, this is my first ever book and I'm only fifteen and inexperienced and everything. So please don't judge and don't be a grammar nazis and critize. Just enjoy the story and leave better ideas. Love you lovely readers!

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