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Currently, I'm sitting in his car which by the way seems too costly to touch and we are driving out of school to some 'magical place' and I'm also freaking out cause like are we even allowed to go off campus during school hours??!!! Should have read the rule book. And another reason for freaking out: he is driving tooo damnnn fasssttttt I'm gonna die good lord help me. Oh wait but three being a charm we have one more reason for my new freakish feelings; I'm sitting in a complete stranger's car who I've heard of only from Georgia and he is taking me to a magic place but to be honest I think that's where he keeps all the dead bodies of girls he has done this too. Okay no he doesn't seem like a guy to do that I'm just overthinking me being me you know.
I'm so weird.
I'm brought back from my freakish thoughts by some hard core too-loud-for-my-little-sensitive-ears metal music and then I see him bob his head to the music and speed even more; if that's possible; to the tempo of the music and I'm pushed back in my seat and I jerkily press some huge button and the music stops. Ah a blessing to my bleeding ears. With the music the car comes to a screechy stop too. See I was right about matching the tempo. However I can feel someone staring so I look up to his annoyed face with the words "Don't touch anything" falling out if his mouth in a dead serious tone. Why are boys always so possesive about their cars? Am I in kindergarten? No but my mind totally qualifies for that agreed. And he starts the music again and I press that big button again. This time "what part of dont touch my car do you not understand?" Comes out with way more annoyance. I simply say "I dont like your music" and shrug.
"Oh reallllyy?" Comes out this time but sounds more challenging.
"Yes I dont like your music if that wasnt clear in my previous sentence."
"Oh then why don't you play your songs" he says mostly with sarcasm but I agree to it nonetheless wont miss the opportunity you know.
"Fine" and I think hard and deep of what to play and I feel Taylor Swift right now, do you feel Taylor Swift right now, its definitely Taylor Swift and I play Love Story. Oh I  love this song so much.
"NOOOOOOO WAAAYYYYYYY IS THAT PLAYING IN MY CAR" comes out in a real loud voice and disrupts my song ugh boys *eye rolls*. He definitely doesn't feel Taylor Swift right now.
But that was a given I think ya I'm stupid. I turn around to see his horrified expression and I cant help but laugh. She isnt that bad guys what is wrong with humans. I go to the subtler songs like Home by cavetown which gets me a response of "First they were cheesy romantic songs and now it is plain up depressing your playlist sucks".
Extremely offended. But it's true my playlist has too many sad songs cause sad songs are beautiful and raw art and so nice and peaceful and the emotions oh god wow.
"I like sad songs not because I'm depressed or anything though, they are just nice and peaceful and let you breath." I say.
"I'm gonna kill myself if we listen to your music" he says.
"Ouch" I say "Okay close your eyes and choose a music station and then we've to listen to that station till the end. Deal?" I ask
"Its my car so I can listen to whatever I want so no" he says. Jerk.
"No you've to take the deal come on"
"Then I'll get down right here"
"As you please m'lady" he says. the fuck, where would i even go. I pout and  cross my arms and sulk in my seat. I hate losing. He then proceeds to play his horrible loud music and I jam my fingers into my ears. So damn annoying.
In not about 5 minutes, thanks god btw, we park in front of a very pastel parlour which says "Red's Milkshakes".
He proceeds to unbelt the seatbelt and open the door and step out so I do that too. Atleast magic land is not a forest thank God. I think God really is my best friend ya.
We walk towards the parlour and then he goes ahead and orders two bubblegum milkshakes. Eeee who has bubblegum milkshake eeee.
"I don't want bubblegum milkshake" I say.
"Nobody asked you what you want. Be a  good kid and have it" he says.
Such an assshollleee.
"Nobody tells me what to do" I say with annoyance dripping off my voice. I repeat nobody.
"Then get used to it" is all Mr.asshole says and walks to collect his order. We will come up with better names dont you worry. I look to a man with wild Red curles, now I understand the name, wink at me. I give him a weird look and Then watch Aiden as he takes a seat at the end booth and starts slurping on his milkshake. I go ahead and sit across from him with crisscrossed hands and glare at his head. He passes the other glass to me and I violently shake my head in no.
"Your loss. Red makes the best bubblegum milkshake in the world and everybody agrees"
It does look nice but bubblegum ew.
I dont even have money to buy my own milkshake. Life sucks. He starts drumming his fingers on the table.
After his milkshake is almost over and after a way too long torturous time has passed my stomach decides to feel hungry. The only thing I see is the bubblegum milkshake. It's worth a try Mia. And when he isnt looking I quickly sip in a bit. Okay don't judge things so quickly the milkshake is actually really pretty mind blowing. Ah fuck no. Now I wanna have it. But I was being such a baby about not having it. Fuck. No.
"You can have it I won't judge" says a smug Aiden with a too big of a I-told-you-so victory smirk. Ughhhh.
But giving in to my stomach desires, I lower my head towards the straw along with my dignity and pride and take in another sip. And another. And I have the last satisfying sip and smile up happily. The milkshake got over in 2 minutes. But it was delicious. Mia wants more. I look up to Aiden watching me with an amused expression with the same old victory smirk and I dont like it. At all. Mia hates losing. But fine. Let his ego fuel. Not too much though.
"Its nice" I say.
He raises his eyebrows and says "it's nice?". I nod my head. Okay its mindblowing but he already knows that and he doenst need to know that I agree cause men and their egos can not win this fight.
"Sure" he says while snorting.
"Wanna have one more? Maybe this time we can have two straws and one milkshake and you can slurp on it and wonder if I'm more amazing or the milkshake" He says leaning on the table.
"Hahahahhaha no" is what I say.
All he does is smirk. yikes, so cheesy.
I then look at my watch and see that next period begins in 15. Just because I missed the previous one doesn't mean I'll miss the next one too!
"We've to  leave now otherwise we wont reach on time for the next period"
I say.
"So you really passing on this golden opportunity?" He says smirking. Who does he think he is?
"Yes." I say.
"Fine" he says with a shrug and moves out of the booth. He then hifi's Red and Red winks at him and then once again at me all the while smirking and I think there's something really wrong with Red's eye cause he winks at literally everything. As soon as we sit in the car I scream
"Please dont play your music please dont play your music please".
"No can do" he says and starts the engine.
"Fine say Aiden is my God and his body is my religion" he says.
"What the actual fuck who says that major cringing. In no way am I saying that" I say with my nose crunching up.
"On you" and that agonizing music starts again I hate my life. No way am I ever saying that. Never. And in the next traumatizing 10 minutes we reach school. I'm definitely deaf by now. Mr.annoying arsehole is what I'm gonna name him for now. For now. I can come up with better names what's wrong with me ahhhh.


Long time no see hi!
Ee that was the worst chapter I could have written please forgive me I promise I will get better or atleast I hope so pray for me. Also what do you think about Aiden and Mia?

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