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*TW: sexual abuse, I'll put a tw before that part starts*

"What even are these clothes yikes???" Andrew says in some what a disgusted tone. While I just stand there in complete horror. My entire closet is RUINED. There are clothes everywhere in heaps. And Andrew is rummaging throw it like a caveman hunting for food. I absolutely hate it when people touch my closet. It's just so annoying ugh. Andrew looks at my cold, tight-lipped expression and smiles a little sheepishly. Then he just fucking shrugs. I'M GOING TO RIP HIM APART. But okay calm. I just pick up a random dark blue high waisted pair of jeans and a red, thin stripped, lace top. I hold them in front of him for 3 seconds and before he can say anything I go to the bathroom to change.

Who even cares about this stupid party. I mean don't get me wrong, I enjoy outings of this sort but I was literally in a completely different mood. And I thought that there was no way my conservative brown parents would let me go to something like this. But to my complete horror, after a little quite speculation, they said yes. Ugh. I had no excuse to get out of this. I even faked period cramps but my mom unintentionally poured water over my entire lie when she was asked about it by Andrew. So here I am getting ready for it.

Okay so my random choice of clothing doesn't look that bad. I think it looks nice. Proud. I step outside to see that Andrew has pushed all the mess he made to one corner and is folding clothes. Okay sweet. He looks at me and says, "not bad, but i was thinking a bit more legs...?" I give him a pointed look.

"Okay fine. Let me put on some makeup on you at least." He says

I grudgingly agree "Fine but please, go for something light and non-existent"

He puts on some foundation, eyeliner, mascara, highlighter and lip gloss. He then straightens my already straight hair a little so all the stray strands sit down. I'm satisfied. I smile at him.

"now all that's left to be done is to fix your mood up" he says. I sigh. Okay so the smart thing to do would be to try and enjoy cause I anyway don't really have a choice. And i mean I do look pretty so you know uh why not. I look at him and say, "thank you" as genuinely as I could and then say sorry for being so rude and moody earlier. He waves it off.

"Anyway, today I am important. Tell me how i look girllll" Andrew says taking a diva turn.

"sexxxxxyyyy as always" I say followed by a giggle as he winks back at me.

I hear the bell ring. "Ooooooo he is here!!!" Andrew says a little too excitedly.

I just give him an unbothered look. Even though all of a sudden, I feel a little self-conscious. Okay you know what, no, I will not allow myself to feel this way. This is unacceptable. I am who I am and I am beautiful. Periodt.

I tuck my phone in one pocket and a little safety cash in the other one. I decide against carrying a purse cause if I do decide to dance, that shit becomes so uncomfortable.

We come to see Will talking to my mom.

Will finishes saying "yes ma'am" as we reach. Andrew says "hellooooo" in a seductive way and I laugh a little to earn a look from him. Oops.

We all wave a goodbye and my mom reminds me how I've to be home by 11. If she would say the words, I will literally ditch the party and sit down here only. Alas, she sadly doesn't. humph.

I look up to see that Will is also super duper rich. what a shock ahahaha. Obviously he is. His car is just. so. SLEEK. It's a complete matt black model, and it's a sports car, obviously, typical rich boy car, but like the Sedan one. If that makes sense? I don't really know a lot of car terms sorry. And it is also a convertible, cause the roof is down. Andrew climbs in the back and Will opens my door to let me in. Awww, what a gentleman. I like manners. Manners are hot.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2021 ⏰

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