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The space is small, the cocktails are pre made and the majority of the room hasn't even bothered to dress nice.

Small towns.

Blake thought for sure she'd be underdressed in her jeans and midriff top, she wore her good boots and a designer purse to make up for it though. No one seems to notice the small details of her outfit, like how her jeans costs more than most weekly wages around here, like how this blouse won't hit the stores till next spring or the fact Audrey Hepburn herself used to own her vintage purse.
Two things however have been noticed over and over.

Her tits, and ass.

Since the age of seventeen Blake has had to fight off unwanted attention, her mothers personal stylist saw to it that Blake never looked innocent or childish. Being an only child and a daughter at that, Blake's mother has saw fit to source a suitable heir to their corporate empire by ways of marriage.

Blake's marriage.

One problem. Blake does not want marriage. False... Blake doesn't want a forced marriage.
Call her silly but motivations for marriage shouldn't include things like who his father is, who his grandfather is, the combined net worth of the family. Reputation. If a great aunt filed bankruptcy forty years ago....?

Forget about it.

Blake's man will be romantic and gentle, caring, thoughtful. He will fall madly in love with her for her big heart and charming wit, not in love with her for the power she can bring him.

No one in this small coastal town knows her for who she is but still Blake has spent the night fighting off drunken hands and unsteady dance partners.
At twenty two she's not ready to fall in love anyway, there's time for that after school, after she conquers the emergency room, definitely after she's done dancing.

The fast dance music turns slow, an opportunity for drunken hook ups and couples to sway closer.
Blake turns to find another bad cocktail and her new waitress girlfriends, instead she finds a tall slender man with thick brown dreadlocks and strange brown eyes, brown or amber... or both?

"Oh, uh excuse me" Blake smiles politely and tries to duck around him.
"Oh honey no, they're playing our song" he smiles back and places a gentle hand on her waist.

His charm makes Blake blush and for a second his eyes hypnotise her, a second is all the time he needs to get his way. Before Blake can refuse they're dancing slow to their song.

Funny, she wasn't aware they had a song, or that he existed two seconds ago.
This guy is good.

"Carter" he leans down to whisper in her ear.
"Hmm, well okay then Carter, if we have enough history to have a song, then surely you should know my name?" Blake smiles up at his handsome face.
"Of course I do... Annie?" He tries for confidence but fails and Blake laughs loud with a shake of her head. "No it's Claudia, Carter and Claudia. It has a ring to it, no?" He smiles looking at her face all over.
"Oh yeah, it's very cute. Shall I help you find a Claudia? Carter and Blake... well it's just not the same" she sighs with fake disappointment.
"Blake..... much better" Carter nods and slides his arms around her back.
Carter can slow dance, she'll give him that.

He's not all arms and legs, he keeps his hands within the no slap zone but keeps her close so it's definitely not brotherly affection. He feels respectful and admiring, it's nice and Blake could use some nice.

"So, where you from stranger?" Carter asks conversationally with his fingers tickling her back.
"Mostly California" Blake smiles trying to get away with vague.
"Mostly?" He pushes not accepting such a short answer.
"My address was Los Angeles but my parents have multiple houses. I've spent some time in Seattle, so not too different" Blake shrugs.
"Seattle may as well be New York compared to this spec on the map, what brought you out here? A man?"

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