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They walk together, Mason's big hand holding hers tightly. Already she feels the overwhelming sadness that lies outside the doors.

Blake leads the way, out to the deck, she will be strong for her mate. She will give Mason her strength.

Aurora and a small female hover over the body of Reyes, Aurora prays with her fallen mates head on her knees. She's inconsolable. The other wraps his body in thin white cotton, Blake can smell the fire before she even sees the rising embers.

The thought fills her with dread.

Mason was supposed to have this time to know him, it was his chance to show off the man he'd become.

Blake sheds a tear for his loss, and her own, in her heart she knows they would have been great friends if given the chance. Blake's pain is nothing compared to that of the kings mate, the kings son and the pack he leaves behind but Blake too mourns for the man she didn't know.

Mason holds his grip and takes to the railing that overlooks the yard, more than a hundred people.... werewolves, stand awaiting their new King.

"This night has not been easy, this war has gone on for too long. We have lost many, and tonight we lost our king... our father" Mason addresses them all. "We can claim our victory in the knowledge the fight is over. Jorogumo are no more, my new wife vanished the last of their kind and the one chosen to take a new Queen. The foretelling is complete..... the queen is ours" Mason yells out but his voice breaks with pain he cannot hide.

Blake drops his hand to hold his body, his pain is too much.... she needs to do something. Her strength isn't enough.

"Not exactly an equal trade" someone below mutters and Blake bites her lip to stop a sob, this is something she already knows.

Something she fears Mason will come to realise.

Aurora whales with the utterance, she too feels she same. Blake can't stand her pain, she feels it sharp and cutting through her body. Her skin prickles and restless Blake's breath starts to change.

Blake lets Mason go and covers Aurora with her arms, Blake uselessly cries for her loss, with her eyes shut tight Blake prays to take at least some of her pain away.

"Blake?" Mason questions her actions.
"I'm so sorry, I tried to save him.... I tried" Blake groans feeling like her body is on fire, it hums and shakes.

Aurora stops her tears.

"Blake stop" Mason croaks as Aurora struggles for breath.

Blake stands with the command, she vowed obedience without order.

Blake opens her eyes to see Aurora staring back at her in shock.

"I tried...." Blake whispers and drops to her knees not knowing what she does.

Her hands cover the wound on Reyes side, with a gasp Blake sees her hands are glowing.
Gold lights up from within and Blake looks down on her body, she shines brightly like the moon on a starless night and it steals her breath, her hair rises and moves with the force of static electricity like sliding down a plastic slide holding onto a balloon. It's quite eerie and unpleasant... but it's not enough.

"It's beautiful" Mason mumbles but doesn't dare touch her.

Blake closes her eyes and with all the energy she feels pulsing through her, she pushes the heat into the kings lifeless body... the light travels, it flows from her to him.... Blake cries out, her body burning.

All she's ever wanted is to help, to heal those who need it, she failed..... she feels like a failure.

With a rush the energy leaves her and the fire dies, disheartened Blake collapses to the big man's chest, she cries over the father Mason never knew.
Then she hears it... one beat... two.

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