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Blake wakes to the feel of sun on her face, stretching long with arms high she can feel the pop of every vertebrae in her spine.

It feels good, she feels good.

Her eyes open slowly and adjust to the sunlight, smiling, her hand reaches out to the pillow on the other side of the bed.

It's empty, just her white silk robe with a floral print turning up in her search for something soft.

"Mason?" Blake whispers soft with sleep.

"Morning beautiful, I'm in the kitchen" Mason whispers back with a smile she can hear in his voice on the other side of the house.

That's just not possible, not on a Monday morning.

With a sigh Blake wraps the robe around her naked body, the sound of her bare feet on the wooden floors is soft but also loud inside her head.
As she gets nearer to the kitchen it dawns on her she can feel Mason, the closer he is, the hotter her blood gets.
Yesterday in the woods, it felt like she could freeze without him.
Her teeth ache, her hunger grows with every step.

Mason stands over the stove, his wide back is to her, although Blake knows Mason knows exactly where she is.
With her index finger Blake traces her lover's spine, the house is still completely silent but for the gentle scraping of eggs in a pan.

"I can feel you, inside me" Blake whispers and kisses the smooth skin of Mason's bare shoulder.
"Hmm, where I long to be" Mason murmurs.

"Did you know there's a virus that lives inside cats, it alters the behaviour of those infected by it. Commonly rats who eat from the litter boxes of felines carrying the virus would act out of character, once ingested by the rat the virus removes the ingrained instincts to avoid the feline predators. The virus has a need to return to the host, inside the gut of the cat. To achieve such a thing the rat must be eaten by the cat and so the rat will seek out the cat, sacrificing its life to satisfy the virus" Blake tells Mason with amusement in her tone.
"Interesting breakfast conversation for sure" Mason chuckles and turns to wrap an arm around her.
Blake has never heard him laugh, she likes it.

"I can feel you Mason, your venom like a virus inside my blood. Desperately it wants back where it came from.... inside you. Your virus sits with my teeth just aching to enter your veins, I want you Mason. I want your blood in my throat" Blake whispers with no shame.
"As do I my beautiful bride, I want my blood to flow through your veins. I feel you too" Mason bends and kisses Blake on the mouth.
His bed messed hair and low riding sweat shorts have Blake pawing over his tight, muscular body.
Blake kisses with a hunger she can't tame.

"I thought maybe I'd wake with you beside me, somehow I just assumed you'd stay the night" Blake blushes with the assumption.
"Of course I stayed, we are mated. You are mine" Mason frowns. "Did my absence displease you? I cannot feed you the way you need but I thought you'd prefer a hot meal when you wake" Mason looks uncomfortable.

Blake looks around the kitchen, the small table is set for two and sausages, bacon and wild mushrooms fill their plates, buttered toast waits piled high between the two and tall glasses of orange juice bead with condensation.

Mason has certainly been busy.

"You are too sweet. I'm starving for you, your blood, but Mason.... I'm vegetarian. Not counting the useless piece of steak I inhaled yesterday, I haven't eaten meat since I was eight years old" Blake grimaces feeling guilty.
"Perfect" Mason mutters trying to sound casual. "I didn't really want to share anyway" he shrugs and drops his arm to take the eggs off the heat.

"These eggs I could use, those mushrooms look delicious and toast is exactly what I feel like. Thank you" Blake takes her turn to kiss his mouth slow.

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