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The sky is bleak, nothing new here even in summer. It's only once the airplane starts decent can the lights actually be made out.
Somehow in her mind coming back would be beautiful, the sky would be clear, the moon shining bright enough the snow capped mountains would welcome her return.

As Sea-Tac comes into view the only thing that greets her is rain.

Deliberately Blake chose a night time flight, one, because someone might recognise her in the daylight and, two, because she loathes flying with children.

Validation comes in the form of a two year old being held in the isle seat next to her, her mother clearly used to the noise even manages to sleep while being repeatedly slapped in the face.

If Mason has managed to knock her up, Blake is going to repeatedly slap him in the face.... with his own penis.

The window seat on her other side is occupied by a sweet elderly man who offered some of his hard candy for take off. Sucking something always helps her ears to adjust. But now said sweet man has headphones on while he watches an old comedy in black and white, he may not be able to hear how loud he laughs but Blake can.

Blake can hear his and everyone else's headphones as if they are loud speakers, she can hear the gossiping air hostesses and the bored pilots up front. She can definitely hear the teenagers having sex in the bathroom.

Finally as seats return to their upright position and the seatbelt light comes on, people start to quiet with their excitement to get off this overcrowded and overbooked flight.

Blake closes her eyes and tries to forget she has ever known the pleasure of her own private Learjet.

That's not who she is anymore.

"Capitol Hill, Volta apartments" Blake tells the taxi driver who has two steaming hot coffees in his cup holders.

If she still had her driver, one of those would be for her.

With a vague nod he continues chewing his gum and starts the long process of exiting the airport parking.

The smell of the backseat reminds her of what the good people of Maine would call a big city.
New York is a big city, Istanbul is a big city, London is a big city. To Blake Seattle is a happy compromise.

Her watch says ten past one, was Mason really telling the truth about his sleeping patterns? He certainly drifted off right on midday.

She dials her old number, already regretting giving him the phone. She should've just had a new one delivered for him. The line connects but only the sound of fumbling and breathing can be heard.

"Mason? Are you there?" Blake smiles and watches the familiar scene pass outside her window.
"I am here..... hello?" He answers cautiously.
"Hello" she giggles at his confusion. "See? I'm alive"
"That is wonderful news, my imagination has feared the worst. Are you really gone? I looked on my apple, Seattle is so far away. I could not run it if I tried" he grumbles.

"Just landed. It's only a few hours by air and I'll be back in no time" Blake sighs with the sound of his voice.
"Someone else is with you.... human, male, is that your father?" Mason suddenly growls and Blake looks to the driver tapping his hands on the wheel as he drives.
"No... the taxi driver. I'm on my way to my apartment, I'm not ready to face that man tonight. The whole way here I just wanted to run home, my fingers tremble with the distance, the smell of your shirt can only do so much"
"Then run.... I will find the answers you need, I'm right here my bride" Mason breathes and Blake hears the sound of metal on metal.

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