7. Nordan

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for -VOUGEWILK !! check her out, i LOVE her works!!

!!!trigger warning: this has some suicide triggers so if you aren't comfortable with that kind of stuff i will make a little mark of where to start reading.

Nordan's POV
I sit on the floor of my bathroom, sobbing. This has become the usual for me for the past couple of months. I hold a bottle of pills and my note. I sat there, crying, trying to build up the courage to actually do it, to kill myself.

I stare at the bottle, trying to think of reasons not to end my life. I cant think of any, until one pops into my head. I instantly toss the bottle and note away from me and pick up my phone and dial a number.

!!!start reading here if you wanted to skip:

(Y/N)'s POV
I suddenly jump awake, startled by my phone ringing. I grunt as I roll over to my night stand, annoyed from being woken up. I rub my eyes and look at the clock, reading 3:29 am. I sigh and look at the number on my phone. I recognize the number but can't think of who it could be. I slide the arrow across to answer and tiredly ask, "Hello?"

"(Y/N)?" the voice says, shakily.

I freeze for a second, remembering the voice. It was Nordan, my ex. We broke up a while ago. I feel the urge to hang up immediately, thinking he's just drunk and is trying to make a dick appointment, but don't. He sounds scared.

"Nordan?" I say softly.

"I need you. I need help. Please (Y/N), help me." he pleads while crying.

My heart instantly breaks as I remember his battles with depression and suicide while we were together. "I'm on my way." I tell him, while getting out of bed.

He hangs up and I hurry to throw on my shoes and jacket. I grab my keys and get in my car.

I worry during the drive to his house, thinking of all the things he could do to himself. Before I know it, I arrive to his house. I park in the driveway and run to the front door. Thankfully, it's unlocked and I rush through the house to his room.

I open his bedroom door and see the guys gathered around his bathroom door, knocking and trying to talk to him. They all turn around when they hear me walk in.

"Thank god you're here. He won't come out or talk to us." Lucas says worriedly.

I ask them to leave, and they do. I stand in front of the door and gently knock. "Baby? Are you in there?" I ask.

I hear shuffling and the door is immediately opened. Nordan quickly stares at me before wrapping his arms around me. I embrace him tightly, letting us slowly sink to the floor. We sit there for a while as I hold him, letting him cry as I rub his back.

He slowly sits up and looks at me. He looked so sad and broken. I hold his hand, gently rubbing it. He looks down and begins to speak, "I'm so glad you came. I don't know what I would've done without you. I was so close to ending my life. You're the only reason I decided not to."

"I love you," I begin, "I love you so fucking much. You had me worried sick, Nordan. Please don't hurt yourself ever again. You have so much to live for." He wipes his tears and nods.

"I know." He responds, pulling me into a hug. He pulls away to kiss me softly. He pushes me so that we are laying flat on the ground and wraps his arms around me again, while laying his head on my chest. Although it was extremely uncomfortable, we start to fall asleep. I think of how worth it the soreness will be in the morning, knowing that Nordan was safe and in my arms again.

BRUH. WHAT IS THIS ENDING. i'm sorry lmao i couldn't figure out how to end it so ya this is all i got. but seriously if any of you are struggling with depression or suicidal thoughts, PLEASEEEE talk to someone. I know it might not sound like something you want to do, but it will help. It doesn't matter who you talk to, just as long as you feel safe and loved. anyways imma blast off and return back in 3-7 business years with another update. (y'all really think i'm joking but i'm lowkey not.)

Suicide Hotline: 1-800-273-8255


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