Vlade farts in the kitchen.

72 0 0

Vladè: 6
Jace: 4
Gabo: 1

Murray-Jokić residence
Sombor, Serbia

Jamal is taking care of Gabo while Jace is watching Disney Cartoons in the living room. Afterwards, Vladè is in the kitchen, helping Nikola with cleaning the table.

Nikola Jokić: Vladè.

Vladè: Da Tata? (Yes Dad?)

Nikola Jokić: Pošto Jamalova porodica i moja porodica dolaze, pomažu mi da očistim sto, u redu? (Since Jamal's family and my family are coming over, going to help me clean the table, okay?)

Vladè: Da Tata. (Yes Dad.)

While helping his father, Nikola Jokić clean the table, Vladè farts right next to Nikola.

Nikola Jokić: Neko je učinio broj tri. (Someone did number three.)

Vladè: Moja greška, to sam bio ja. (My bad, that was me.)

Nikola Jokić: Za ime Boga? Ti prdnuo? (What the heck? You farted?)

Vladè: 😂.

Nikola Jokić: Haha i pogodite šta? (Haha and guess what?)

Vladè: Šta se desilo? (What happened?)

Nikola Jokić: Dok sam vežbao u objektu Pepsi Centre u Denveru, pratio sam. (While I was practicing at the Pepsi Center facility in Denver, I farted.)

Vladè: Za Ime Boga Tata. (What the heck dad?)

Nikola Jokić: Nisam imao pojma šta radim. (I had no idea what I was doing.)

Vladè: Bože! Tata. (Gosh! Dad.)

Nikola Jokić: 😂.

Jace: Ah Patay! My brother farted.

Vladè: Sorry 😂.

Jace: Lol.

Vladè: I didn't mean it. Trust me.

Jamal Heard a loud fart while he was changing Gabo's diaper.

Jamal Murray: Who farted?

Vladè: Mama, that was me. I farted.

Jamal Murray: The last thing what happened was that I drop you guys off to school and you farted.

Vladè: Mama! I'm sorry 😂.

Jamal Murray: I had to admit it was ridiculous because Dillon Brooks Farted too. Gosh! Freaking Dillon, you farted while driving on our way to practice.

Vladè: 😂.

Gabo lets out a loud cry when Vladè ended up farting again.

Jamal Murray: It's okay, it's just your brother.

Vladè: Oops.

Jace goes to the kitchen to get something from the fridge. "Jace? Baby? Can you do me a favor?" Jamal calls Jace. "Yes Mama?" Jace went to the couch where Jamal would ask him a favor. "Can you get the baby wipes for me please?" "Sure Mama," Jace walks to the bathroom to get the baby wipes.

Jace hands Jamal the baby wipes. "Thank you baby," Jamal smiled. After changing the diaper, Jace carries Gabo and his mother washes his hands. However, Gabo was still whimpering and then he was letting out a loud cry.

Vladè and Jace: adventures in Serbia 2Where stories live. Discover now