Vlade and Jace's school conference meeting

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Living room,

"Vlade aren't you going to bed?" Jamal asks. "No Mama, I'm not tired yet," "Yeah but you have school tomorrow remember?" "Oh sorry Mama, I forgot," Vlade didn't realize that he had to go to school tomorrow and yet, there was going to be a conference meeting after school. "Kuya I'm going to be brain dead after school you know that," "Brata Jace don't start," Vlade laughed. "You know me, Alto and Goran were like that most of the time,"

Nikola Jokic was in the master bedroom waiting for his Canadian girlfriend Jamal to go to bed. But then he goes downstairs to check on the boys.

Nikola Jokić: Are the 2 boys still awake babe?

Jamal Murray: Yes and it's 11pm.

Vlade: Tata? (Dad?)

Nikola Jokić: Vlade, Jace? Šta sam vam rekao o tome da ostanete do kasno? Sutra imaš školu. (Vlade, Jace? What did I tell you about staying up late? You have school tomorrow.)

Vlade: Tata, nisam umoran. (Dad, I'm not tired)

Nikola Jokić: 11 je noću. Zašto ste još uvek budni? (It's 11 at night. Why are you guys still up?)

Jace: Izvini tata, ne možemo da spavamo jer sutra imamo test iz matematike i fizičkog vaspitanja i još nismo imali priliku da završimo. (Sorry dad, We can't sleep because we have a math and PE test tomorrow and we haven't had a chance to finish yet.)

Nikola Jokić: Zašto? Rekao sam ti da učiš kad imaš vremena, umesto da budeš na tv-u. Žao mi je što ovo moram da kažem, ali dobićete negativnu ocenu, znate to! (Why? I told you to study when you have time, Instead of being on the tv time. I'm sorry to say this but you will get a failing grade you know that!)

Jace: Tata, nikada nismo imali vremena da svratimo u biblioteku da učimo za test. To je ono što kažem. (Dad, we never had time to stop by at the library to study for the test. That's what I'm saying.)

Nikola Jokić: *Shakes his head* O moj Bože, O moj Bože. Vi čak ne znate kako da sledite uputstva. (Oh my goodness, Oh my goodness. You guys don't even know how to follow instructions.)

Jamal Murray: Babe what's going on?

Jamal noticed that Nikola got very upset with Vlade and Jace for not studying for the test tomorrow. "Well it's hard to have these two goofballs not studying for the test and we have a meeting tomorrow for their next reading comprehension, field trips and Summer camp," He sighed. Jamal knew what he could do to help the two boys out and told Nikola to relax.

Jamal Murray: Relax babe. I'll handle them, just go to bed, okay?

Nikola Jokić: Okay Babe.

He gave him a kiss on the forehead and went to apologize the two boys for being mad.

Nikola Jokić: Žao mi je ako sam se naljutio na vas, ali želeo sam da nastavite sa studijem, vaša mama Mamala i ja vam želimo pomoći. (I'm sorry if I was mad at you guys, but I wanted you guys to keep up with your studies okay, Your Mama Jamal and I want to help you out too.)

Jace: U redu je tata. (It's Okay Dad)

Nikola Jokić: U redu, pomoći ću ti oko studija i zaspi sada, pre nego što te uhvatim kako ostaješ budan. (Alrighty, I'll help you out with the studies and go to sleep now before I catch you staying awake.)

Vladè and Jace: adventures in Serbia 2Where stories live. Discover now