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The first thing I do when I get home is take out the scale I keep under my bed.

I take a deep breath before stepping on it. The red arrow hesitated for what feels like ages before finally landing on a number- 150 lbs.

I kick the scale under the bed and swallow what feels like a ball of feathers in my throat.

"Emma there's somebody here for you," a voice whispers behind me. I turn around and see it's my mom.

"Who?" I say almost too demanding; I have no idea who she's talking about and we barely have guests at our house ever since my mom cut off her family.

When my mom doesn't answer me I push past her and jog down the stairs.

I see a woman adjusting her bun. She's dressed in black dress pants and a long sleeve white buttoned down neatly tucked in. She has strawberry blond hair that's pulled tightly in a tiny ballerina bun with matching black barrettes holding it in place. She also has a black briefcase sitting next to her.

"Who are you?" I ask curiously thinking she must be a real estate agent, lawyer, or something.

She smiles. "You must be Emma," she says politely completely avoiding my question. Her smile is plastered across her face so perfectly it looks as if she practiced it in the mirror 100 times.

Before I can ask her to reveal her identity again my mother comes speeding down the stairs to greet her.

"It's so nice to meet you Ms.Clara," my mother says shaking her hand.

"The pleasure is all mine Ms.Mayes," the woman responds.

"Come sit here at the table," my mom says gesturing with her arms to our round oak wood  table in the middle of the kitchen.

The woman picks up her briefcase and places it on the table with my mom following behind her. They both take their seats while I awkwardly stay standing next to the front door.

"Emma," my mom mouths while pointing to the  chair in between them.

I slowly walk over and lift myself up the table while shifting my gaze to both the strange woman and my mother who is being abnormally quiet.

"Okay so to get started I would need you to fill out this paperwork. Most are just consent forms saying that you understand the treatment that will be given at Transitioning Minds Recovery Center, since she is a minor."

My ears perk up. I'm the only minor they could be talking about so this must be about me.

Suddenly I feel my stomach drop and my throat close up. The school must've reported my little incident and has now sent a child services agent.

"What is going on!?" I loudly interrupt.

My mom shoots me a look of disapproval and apologizes to Ms.Clara before turning back to me.

"We're getting you the help you need love," my mother says reaching for my hand.

I quickly pull away and get up from my seat. The school isn't forcing me to get help, my mom is.

"I don't need help I said!"

"Emma please, we can speak privately later," my mom replies trying to hide her embarrassment.

"No mom they're going to send me away! You don't know what it's like in places like that! The things they do to you," I shout, recalling all of the horror stories I've heard about mental hospitals.

"Actually Emma, you're the one who doesn't know what it's like in places like that. You'll be moved to Transitioning Minds Recovery Center where you'll meet many people in your age group who are all struggling with the same demons and I promise you there won't be abuse of any kind; you'll be treated with the upmost respect," Ms. Clara says.

"No, no, no I don't need this," I say trying to keep my voice from cracking.

"This is going to make you feel so much better Emma," Ms. Clara replies.

"Shut up! Just shut up!" I say while covering my ears. "I'm fine I already told you!" I shout while I feel hot tears force themselves down my cheeks.

"You will be." I barely hear Ms.Cara's voice try to comfort me. The only thing I hear is ringing in my ears as I feel the pain in my heart at betrayal that just took place.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2018 ⏰

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