Entry #6

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My name is Timothy Wright, otherwise known as Masky. This is the sixth entry in my analysis of the individual known as Tobias Erin Rogers, aka Ticci Toby.

It has been approximately one month since my previous entry. I feel I needed the time to collect data and remind myself of what I am. Slenderman has been very happy with me the last few weeks, after all I practically begged for more work. I may hate him and everything he stands for, I may wish death upon him, but he never gives me shit for wanting to overwork myself.

My kill count, even though it's far too high to remember unless I take the time to truly think it all out, took a very high addition.

The documents are gone. I checked when I returned this morning after returning my analysis to its proper hiding place and they were gone. I assume it was Slenderman, since there were no abrasions were left on the locked doors from others attempting to enter the closet.

I can't decide if it was for the best or not. At least now, however sick it makes me to even admit this, I can be thankful I wasn't the one making the choice. I know myself too well to ignore the information contained in the documentations for too long. I had to go on a murder spree to contain myself, after all.

Enough about myself.

Toby's condition has improved. His nightmares have limited themselves to three or four nights a week now, which is a blessing. He seems happier now, at least when I see him. I worry he's avoiding me. Since I've been in and out most days all this month, I've seen him three or four times. Now, I've returned to my normal schedule of course, but he still hasn't stopped by my room yet.

He always comes to see me after I return.

Perhaps I'm just being asinine, yet again. Toby isn't as obsessed with other people as I am.

While I'm on the topic of other people and I have nothing to add that is specifically a direct Toby connection, I shall record the confrontation I experienced while out and about.

Eyeless Jack, the odd and abnormal being he is, finally found time to question me.

I don't know how, or why, but he somehow convinced Slenderman to put him on a mission with me last week and he did nothing but question me at every given opportunity. He wasn't nearly as bad as Toby used to be, but it wasn't a topic I was comfortable talking about with him.

And, yes, it was exactly the same questions Toby asks, or thinks I don't know he's curious about.

Why do I stay up with Toby? Why does Toby look at me like we share secrets? What happened that made us so close? Etc.

Not answering only seemed to upset the other mask wearer even more, but it didn't stop there. EJ has a nasty habit of saying the wrong thing to people at the wrong time. We'd just burned the last body of a family when he stood up and asked me the last question I wanted to hear at that exact moment.

He asked me if I was planning on reading the documents in my room.

I don't know if it was adrenaline or my previous issues with my anger, but the fight that ensued after I heard those words wasn't a pretty one. When we trudged back home, my whole body felt like Hell. Though we'd both felt worse, it wasn't pleasant.

EJ asked me another question before we went inside and alerted everyone of our presence. This time, I answered. He asked if I even cared about Toby's well being or if he was just a science project to me. Of course, I replied that I did and he should mind his own business.

He didn't take them. It's not the kind of person he is, even if he is an ass sometimes.

Speaking of asses, I can hear Jeff yelling downstairs. I believe that means Kate has arrived back here. He's always quiet rowdy when she arrives, not that I really understand why. She's not terrible, but he's taken a real liking to her. Though, it's not in the way I see To...Never mind.

There is a knock at my door, but I can't bring myself to open it. Brain has just peeked his masked head through, silence following him. I wasn't surprised, he's been mostly quiet since we were taken and rarely ever talks without that nifty voice changer he picked up months ago.

He's just sitting on my bed now, waiting for me. I suppose I should talk to him now. After all, I can't add much here. If anything happens today, I'll do a Entry #6.2 As for now, I'm off.


There will be a special chapter posted on Oct 31. Enjoy and stay tuned.

The Analyzing of Ticci Toby by Timothy WrightWhere stories live. Discover now