Entry #10

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My name is Timothy Wright, otherwise known as Masky. This is the tenth entry in my analysis of the individual known as Tobias Erin Rogers, aka Ticci Toby.

I have never been a people person. They don't make sense. Emotions are complicated, moral codes are often contradictory. Humans are an anomaly. Power hungry, greed ridden, selfish humanity soaked sponges I'd sooner drive a knife through than embrace.

They have their good attributes, I concede. Their foolish natures always provide a balance for us as killers. Always interesting to kill in one way or another. Of course, it's just as infuriating as it is comforting.

Their self sacrificial nature is fun to watch, their confident stance as they step in front of the intended kill. When you compare yourself to them and their actions, it is bad temper inducing.

Toby doesn't need protection. Any creepypasta worth their weapon doesn't need anyone watching their back, myself included. It's an unnatural feeling to want to throw yourself into danger for someone else's well being, I have experience now. He does as well.

I disappointed Slender this week with my performance. I won't get into it here, but it was bad and earned me a steep punishment. It would have been fine had I been alone, but I'd been on an assignment with Toby and Brian.

I could see Brian flinch slightly when it happened, so I don't think I should have been surprised that Toby would try to step in. He ended up with a broken arm and a large cut on his forehead.

He'd gotten lucky.

Toby's been in my room since we'd busted through the door a few hours ago and Ann set the bone and wrapped it, and stitched the cut up. He was lucky he couldn't feel the pain the miles we trekked back in darkness, it would have been excruciating.

He's been asleep for a while and I can't find it in myself to join him. My head hurts from being knocked around, and my ribs are painfully healing best they can. I would've had worse, but Slender needs us for now and Toby was unnecessarily injured too.

I owe him a 'thank you' I suppose.

Either way, it wasn't all that happened. Truthfully, I didn't remember it at first, but Toby mentioned something to me when I came into my room after he did. I called his name and, when he didn't respond, moved closer and called again in what I hate to refer to as worried voice. Then, he replied in the quietest voice I have ever heard from him.

You called me Tobias before.

Out of every reaction he could have had, calm and distressed like he was hadn't been expected in the slightest. And, now that I'm considering it, Toby was knocked out the minute he connected with the wall. But, he'd heard me, well enough to recall it and to know it wasn't his nickname.

I didn't, couldn't reply.

It's been a few weeks since my last entry, and calling him by his full name had been unintentional. I hadn't gotten around to testing the theory and, judging by the results, my hypothesis may be spot on. I'll continue to test, later.

He sleeps in my room most of the time, and Jack will not let it go. I swear, sometimes I think he's jealous and then I remember he's just a fucking asshole. A somewhat, and begrudgingly, helpful one.

Speaking of, I did get around to speaking to him. He offered council, it feels weird admitting he helped me on a romantic issue. Does he even want me to be with Toby? I have no idea what his motivations are.

He agreed with my theory of Toby adding a layer of trust.

Kate was not helpful. Not. At. All. She's on my shit list right now. Instead of helping, she merely grinned at me and pointed out my apparent obvious feelings with a mock stutter. I have never wanted to stab her more than that moment.

Regardless, I feel more confident in my ability to discern Toby's actions when his closest things to friends agree with my theories.

I think I may be in

Nevermind, I can't do that right now. I don't have the mental capacity to even attempt dissecting that particular body of stress and hormones.

Tobias. I write the name, I whisper it to myself. It feels otherworldly.

Sometimes, I wonder where this is all leading to. Toby isn't the type to abandon someone for having feelings, but he also isn't the type to do something for the sake of other people. Truth be told, he's also an asshole. I solved the mystery of his and Jack's friendship, I guess.

I mean, I've always known he's annoying. A more acceptable annoying recently, but nevertheless, a little shit to the bone.

Toby gets me in a way nobody else does. (Note to self, never let Brian near this entry.) He's hard to deal with, but he's also impossible to stay away from. I revolve around him, in theory. I feel as though at any second, we'll collide and destroy each other. But, it doesn't scare me.

If I do feel that way that shall not be named for him, specifically Toby and only Toby, then I have no idea what to do with the information. Do I assume his feelings? Or push them aside until he speaks up first? Maybe I say something, or just throw this damned notebook at him. I want the last option, the violence fits the scenario.

I think I'll join him now in dreamland. My eyes are heavy and his calm breathing is, shamefully, like a lullaby. I miss those.



That was violent, I apologize.

I hope you enjoyed. I'm here to ask you a question. What do you think is next? What will happen? SHARE YOUR THEORIES


The Analyzing of Ticci Toby by Timothy WrightWhere stories live. Discover now