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As the vehicle stopped Lila peered intently out the window, her right knee bouncing in anticipation and anxiousness. She lifted up the neckline of her soft pink sweater to her chilled nose and took in the sent of her perfume, closing her eyes she counted to three before dropping the fabric and unbuckling her seatbelt with a click. She gazed at the driver only to discover he was watching her with a kind smile. "Would you like me to help you with your bags Ms. King- I mean Lila?"
Lila's gaze softened as she took in his slightly older face, he had crows feet on the edge of his dancing blue eyes. His gray afternoon shadow littered his face and slightly hid his smile lines. Lila took in his features a bit more before nodding her head slightly, giving him a lazy smile. Opening her door she braved the chill that was Forks and walked around to the back of the car, gravel crunching underneath her feet. As the man opened the trunk of the vehicle she took another quick glance at the white homely house that lay in front of her. Charlie's police cruiser sat off to the side in the grass whilst a rusty orange truck lay in the driveway. The crunch of gravel from her suitcase being placed on the ground made her look to the man. "Thank you so much sir" Lila reached into her pocket to retrieve the tip for the man, as she fumbled with the money with her anxiety ridden hands the older gentleman took her cold hand in both of his warm ones. "Thank you so much dear, and please call me Denis." He smiled to her and gave her shoulder a soft pat before handing her her suitcase and bidding her farewell.
Lila watched his tail lights disappear as he turned down a separate street. Looking back to the pleasant familiar home Lila gently took a step forward, one foot after the other she reached the steps to the door before it was violently flung open banging against the side of the house. A figure soon made a beeline straight down the steps and directly to her, they urgently yet gently pulled her close. Dropping her suitcase in surprise Lila instinctively wrapped her arms around the broad, towering person before looking up. To her surprise there stood Charlie clad in uniform smiling down at her with the same kind eyes she has always remembered. Lila gave him a wide smile, eyes filling with tears as she whispered to him "hi Charlie." Charlie lifted the significantly shorter girl into a massive bear hug and spun her around, laughing quietly Lila stumbled as she landed unsteadily on her feet. Gripping Charlie's forearms for support she glanced behind him at the tall slender figure making her way down the stairs, Bella. She looked so much like her father, even still after all these years. Bella pushed her father out of the way earning a grunt on his part as she embraced the girl. Lila chuckled softly as Bella gently continued to hold her. "Hello Bella" Lila whispered to her best friend, and as she felt the warmth being radiated off the two Swan members, Lila suddenly didn't feel so alone anymore.

.Kind comments are welcome on my story.
I know Charlie is pretty out of character, but I felt like the warm welcome was needed for Lila and honestly something I feel like Charlie should act like in rare moments. I also know that Bella herself is just as awkward as Charlie, but as said Bella and Lila in this story will be best friends and have known each other for a long time. Hope you enjoyed.

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